I'm super excited to be a part of the Chaos Blog Tour!!!
Author Megan Duncan is stopping by today with a fun interview and giveaway.
WS: What three words best describe Chaos?
MD- Terrifying. Action-packed. Heart-wrenching
WS: In one sentence tell readers why they should read your Agents of Evil series?
MD- My Agents of Evil series provides a unique twist that I haven't seen in an urban apocalyptic before; no zombies, just action-packed, demon butt-kicking!
WS: How has your heroine, Abby, grown since book one?
MD- Abby's grown tremendously since the first book. She's more sure of herself as a leader, and has grown to not only trust those around her, but has
learned to open up. Just because the world around her is falling apart doesn't mean she can't try to enjoy those little moments of happiness.
learned to open up. Just because the world around her is falling apart doesn't mean she can't try to enjoy those little moments of happiness.
WS: Grab a copy of Chaos and answer the following:
· Favorite chapter?
Ooh! Tough one. I'd say my favorite chapter is a tie between the first chapter and the last one. They both have very powerful scenes in them.· Favorite page?
My favorite page is most definitely the first page; it sets the tone for the entire book and really draws you into this horrifying world.
· Favorite character?
Of course my favorite character is definitely Abby. She's so strong, and even those she is scared as hell, she still fights and protects those she loves even when her life is on the line. She has grown so much, and I can't wait to see what she does in book 3.
WS: Can you tells us anything about what’s to come for Abby and gang in book three? Please?!
MD- Book 3 is going to be the most explosive yet. Will the gang leave the safety of the base or will they try to set up command at the hospital? Abby is out for vengeance, but will her road to revenge cause destruction? Who will be lost as the battle of hell on earth continues?
WS:The apocalypse is upon us (maybe its demons or zombies or aliens, who knows!)...answer the following:
· What’s the first weapon you grab?
MD- The first weapon I would grab would definitely be some kind of awesome blade. I would want something that didn't run out of bullets. ;o) · Where do you hold up?
MD- I think I would want to hold up in a less populated area, so I would head north for sure. I live in a big city and if the end of the world was zombies I'd be in big trouble.
· What position do you take in your little group of survivors (leader, scout, caretaker, etc)?
MD- I think my position would be a lot like Abby's. I would help lead, but I wouldn't be afraid to fight on the lines beside my fellow survivors.
WS: What mythical/supernatural creature or being would you love to be able to transform into, just for a short time?
MD- The mythical/supernatural being that I would want to transform into is probably.... a fairy. I've always wanted to be able to fly :)
WS: Fill in the blanks:
· I’m really awesome at _____.
MD- I'm really awesome at making people laugh.
· I’m embarrassed to admit that_______.
MD- I'm embarrassed to admit that I still get scared of the dark sometimes.
· I have the biggest crush on_________.
MD- I have the biggest crush on Chris Pine.
WS: What’s the one book you think everyone should read at least once?
MD- Well... If I can't choose any of my books ;o) I would pick the Sword of Truth Series by Terry Goodkind. It's a long series, but its one of my ultimate favorites.
WS: If you were to bake a Chaos inspired cupcake what would it look/taste like and what would you call it?
MD- This is the greatest question ever! I LOVE cupcakes! I think a Chaos cupcake would be vanilla cake dyed red, with strawberry filling. The icing would be dark chocolate and I would make some kind of fun fondant decoration; like a gun or demon. Heck! This would make a great weekend project :o)
Thanks so much for answering my questions Megan!
Megan Duncan is a lover of all things paranormal, fantasy, sci-fi and anything just out of the ordinary. She is continually fighting her addiction to chocolate and living in her overactive imagination.
Is any shot at living, worth dying for?
They thought they’d be safe, but a world ruled by chaos doesn’t die easily.
When Max turned on the radio transmissions assuring safety, they came. But, it wasn’t just survivors of the demon apocalypse that crawled their way into the abandoned military base. A myriad of beastly demons unlike any they’ve ever seen, came as well. Abby, and her companions, struggle to survive as the evil around them grows. Desperate to endure, and to defend their fellow survivors, Abby and a squad of fierce fighters, take on a dangerous mission that has deadly consequences.
Win a Kindle copy of Chaos!!!
Megan Duncan has generously offered a Kindle copy of her new book Chaos to one lucky cupcake!
-One winner will win a Kindle ebook copy of Chaos
-Will run from 7/12 - 7/18
-Open Int
Fill out Rafflecopter form to enter
- One main entry per person
- Must be 13+ to enter
- Winner will be emailed and must claim prize within 48 hours
During the duration of the Chao Blog Tour, Megan will be having a huge giveaway on her blog as well! The prizes include:
- 2 signed paperback copies of Chaos
- 1 signed Chaos poster
- 5 Kindle copies
- And 1 winner will get their name as a character in the next book!!!
You can enter this giveaway HERE
OMG!!!! I LOVE Megan Duncan, I've read all of her books and was just wondering the other day when the next book in this series would be out. I've been waiting for what seems like forever to get Chaos.
Thanks for posting and bringing this to my attention.
*Fingers Crossed* I win the giveaway. I can't wait to read this, although I might have to just buy it and get stuck right in.
I am so excited right now!!!!
Sounds awesome Loved the interview :)
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