Current Giveaways

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Aeicha @ Word Spelunking

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Giveaway: Book Prize Pack from Candlewick Press

TIME magazine recently published their lists of Top 100 Young Adult and Top 100 Children’s Books of All Time and there are some seriously awesome books on this list! Candlewick Press has six of their young adult titles featured on the YA list and they have offered up a prize pack of those books for one of you lucky cupcakes!

The book prize pack includes paperback copies of:

FeedFeed by M. T. Anderson
Anderson takes on consumerism in this smart, savage satire that has captivated readers with its view of an imagined future that veers unnervingly close to the here and now. 
* A National Book Award finalist

The Miraculous Journey of Edward TulaneThe Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo , illustrated by Bagram Ibatoulline
Kate DiCamillo takes us on an extraordinary journey, from the depths of the ocean to the net of a fisherman, from the bedside of an ailing child to the bustling streets of Memphis. Along the way, we are shown a miracle -- that even a heart of the most breakable kind can learn to love, to lose, and to love again. 
Note: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane is in the Top 25 to be voted on for Best of the Best ranking by reader vote:

The Tiger RisingTiger Rising by Kate DiCamillo
Rob, sickly and devastated by the death of his mother, moves to a hotel with his father for a new start. But after he comes across a caged tiger in the woods outside the motel, the unexpected find helps him overcome his sadness and open up to a new friend.

*A National Book Award finalist 

A Monster Calls
A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness, illustrated by Jim Kay
An unflinching, darkly funny, and deeply moving story of a boy, his seriously ill mother, and an unexpected monstrous visitor.

* Soon to be a major motion picture

The Knife of Never Letting Go
A dystopian thriller follows a boy and girl on the run from a town where all thoughts can be heard -- and the passage to manhood embodies a horrible secret.

Boy ProofBoy Proof by Cecil Castellucci
An unforgettable debut novel that follows an antisocial cinephile as she meets a quick-witted artist who's savvy enough to see through her sci-fi disguise. 

* Celebrating 10th anniversary in February 2015

Giveaway Details
-open to US/CAN only
-ends 1/23
-one winner will get all 6 books
-must be 13+ to enter
-winner will be emailed and must claim prize within 48 hours
-Word Spelunking is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen prizes
Please fill out the Rafflecopter form

follow Candlewick Press:
Twitter - @Candlewick
E-Volt Twitter - @evoltbooks
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Unknown said...

Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.

Unknown said...

This is an awesome giveaway!! thank you for the chance to win what looks like some really good reads!

jennifer.essad said...

as a reader and a follower of your site I really appreciate the sponsor Candlewick Press offering us this wonderful prize/gift pack -thank you

Courtney said...

I love Patrick Ness!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!

Sayomay said...

I LOVED Boy Proof! I like I've read it at least 3 times in high school. :D I even dressed up one Halloween as Egg- but nobody got it except for a couple of friends whom I forced to read the book. :)
Mary G Loki

Melissas Eclectic Bookshelf said...

Amazing Ness!

flowerchild said...

Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.. Great books.

Beth said...

Thanks for the giveaway!