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Aeicha @ Word Spelunking

Monday, May 12, 2014

The Hero's Guide to Being an Outlaw Blog Tour {Character Reveal & Giveaway}

I'm so excited to have The Hero's Guide To Being An Outlaw Blog Tour stopping by today! This is one of my favorite middle-grade series!!! Today I have the honor of introducing you to Periwinkle Pete, a new character in The Hero's Guide To Being An Outlaw, plus you can win a signed hardcover copy below...

The Hero's Guide to Being an Outlaw
(The League of Princes #3)
by Christopher Healy
Walden Pond Press

The League of Princes returns in the hilariously epic conclusion to the hit series that began with Christopher Healy's The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom, which the Los Angeles Times called "one of the more clever, hilariously successful incarnations of the current literary rage to rip apart and rewrite fairy tales."

Prince Liam. Prince Frederic. Prince Duncan. Prince Gustav. You think you know those guys pretty well by now, don't you? Well, think again. Posters plastered across the thirteen kingdoms are saying that Briar Rose has been murdered—and the four Princes Charming are the prime suspects. Now they're on the run in a desperate attempt to clear their names. Along the way, however, they discover that Briar's murder is just one part of a nefarious plot to take control of all thirteen kingdoms—a plot that will lead to the doorstep of an eerily familiar fortress for a final showdown with an eerily familiar enemy.

Meet Periwinkle Pete

Occupation: Bounty Hunter

Affiliation: Gang Greenfang

Kingdom of Origin: Avondell

Current Residence: The gilded tree village of Sycamoria, Avondell’s Elvish Quarter

Parents: Floracloudwillow and Gossamerdewbeam

Known Partners: Greenfang, Erik the Mauve, Orangebeard, Corin Silversword, Norin Black-Ax

Longtime Foes: A grumpy group of Sylvarian dwarfs (whose names we shall not mention here)

Likes: Archery; genealogy; bragging

Dislikes: Disrespect for the noble lineage of the Avondellian elves; insincere apologies; those toy-making, pointy-shoe-wearing Sylvarian elves

Signature Move: The Thousand-Yard Pinpoint Bullseye

Quote: “There is no creature in this worldly realm more elegant, more distinguished, more erudite, more supple of mind and body than the Elf. I am speaking only of Avondellian elves, of course. Svenlandian elves are cretins.”

Little Known Fact: Avondellian elves claim that the Svenlandian elves are not true elves at all, but merely gnomes who have discovered razors.

Christopher Healy is the author of the Hero's Guide trilogy: The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom, The Hero's Guide to Storming the Castle, and coming in spring 2014, The Hero's Guide to Being an Outlaw. The series is a comedic adventure that follows the exploits of four different Prince Charmings in the aftermath of their not-quite-accurate fairy-tale fame. It is published on May 1st, 2012, by Walden Pond Press, an imprint of HarperCollins. A film version is currently in development at Fox Animation/Blue Sky Studios.

Chris lives in New Jersey with his wife, two children, and a dog named Duncan. Visit him at And learn more about the Hero's Guide universe at

Walden Pond Press

Win a signed hardcover copy of
The Hero's Guide to Being an Outlaw!
Walden Pond Press has generously offered up one signed finished copy for one winner.
-US only
-ends 5/23
-must be 13+,one free entry per person
-winner will be emailed and must claim prize within 48 hours
-Word Spelunking is NOT responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen prizes
Fill out Rafflecopter form:

5/1 - The Book Rat
5/5 – Icey Books
5/8 - The Book Rat
5/16 - KidLit Frenzy
5/19 - Mundie Kids
5/23 - Novel Novice
5/26 - Mundie Kids
5/28 - Small Review


Yvonne said...

Thinking to self "First comment....that's a lot of pressure for a Monday morning....maybe I'll come back later after somebody else has posted....but what if they choose the name I'd have chosen...what the heck, just go for it.."

First off "Yvonne" doesn't lend it self to a lot of heroish/villainish wordplay so how about my nickname Vonn...that should do....

I'm thinking that I should go with either VILLAINESS VONN or VONN the VALIENT.

Carl Scott said...

I'd be Carlo-Shmarlo in either case, a combination of nicknames from my Filipino friends in Banaue and my 6-year-old buddy Courtney in Vancouver. Good for a not-so-scary villain and not-too-effective hero. Thanks

Sayomay said...

I would love to be named something that suggests 'troublemaker'! Like Rabbles or Skeak! :D
Mary G Loki

Jillyn said...

I think I'd just alter my name, Jillyn (rhymes with Dylan), a bit more to make it sound more evil queeny, maybe something like Jillynah or Jillynarrah.

Mad_In_Wonderland said...

I think I would use my wonderful nickname Mad Hatter, one does not mess with the insane and it would be impossible to know if I were a hero or a villain.

anne s. said...

I'd name the villain Sneaky Sam

anne s. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hummingbird (20SecondsWithMC) said...

LOL. I'll go with Cool Mom for my hero name b/c more than anything I'd want to help my family. :) You probably want something more creative but I'm not the writer in the family - ha! My daughter is currently reading this and LOVES it - it is the only one we don't own yet - used the library this time around - until her birthday arrives. :)

Unknown said...

My villainess moniker would be Lady Anubis. My hero sobriquet would be Boom Boom LaRue.