Current Giveaways

Word Spelunking’s temporary hiatus is now permanent. All requests are closed and there will be no new content. Thank you to everyone I’ve worked with and everyone who has read and supported this blog. Y’all are awesome!!

Aeicha @ Word Spelunking

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Interview and Giveaway: Will Summerhouse, author of Orion Poe and the Lost Explorer

I'm thrilled to have Will Summerhouse here today to talk about his middle-grade adventure, Orion Poe and the Lost Explorer! You have the chance to win a copy too...

Orion Poe and the Lost Explorer
(book #1)
by Will Summerhouse
Shake-a-Leg Press

Eleven-year-old Orion lives with his stodgy grandfather in eastern Maine, where nothing exciting ever happens. But then a series of strange events draws him into the mystery of a lost explorer, and Orion is swept up in a whirlwind of adventure that takes him to the top of the world. To survive he must outwit a scheming treasure hunter, team up with a gang of flimps, and take on a tyrant with an anger management problem. Can Orion solve the mystery and get back home alive? And just what are flimps, anyway?

Orion Poe is about to find out. Join him as he laughs, cries, bluffs, and shoots his way to the heart of one of the greatest mysteries in the history of exploration. Along the way he discovers that the world is far bigger—and stranger—than he ever imagined.

What three words best describe Orion Poe and the Lost Explorer?


Can you give us your best one sentence pitch to convince readers, especially reluctant readers, to give Orion Poe and the Lost Explorer a try?

If the first two lines of Orion Poe and the Lost Explorer don’t convince reluctant readers to try the book, I don’t know what will:

“If you read what Mr. Lumpkin wrote in the newspaper about my adventure at the top of the world, you only got half the story. I don’t know why but he left out the best parts, like how I got chased all over the place, and shot at, and knocked out, and almost eaten—twice.”

Grab a copy of Orion Poe and the Lost Explorer and answer the following:

favorite chapter?

Chapter One (“The Man with the Purple Nose”), because this is when Orion’s ho-hum, ordinary life is turned upside down by the sudden and unexpected arrival of a mysterious stranger.

favorite page?

The last one, because it gives you that wonderful, satisfying, “wow” kind of feeling you always get when you reach the end of a good book.

favorite setting/place?

The lair of the King of the Flimps. Why? Because—well, I can’t tell you why, or I’ll spoil the story for you!

most fun chapter or page to write?

Chapter 30 (“What Happened in Lower Slag Lane”), because what happened there is so hard to believe it just boggles the mind!

flip to a random page and give us a 1-2 sentence teaser:

“The next thing I knew I was out the door and running for the cove. It was almost dark now, and the fog had reached the base of the lighthouse and was beginning to rise around it. Well, what with the darkness, and the fog, and the scare that Collins had put into me about ‘the Terror’ and all, I suddenly got a bad case of the jitters, and as I plunged into the woods I couldn’t shake the feeling that something awful was about to happen.”

What inspired Orion Poe and the Lost Explorer? How did the story come to be?

As a boy I loved reading adventure stories, especially ones that featured characters who discover lost worlds. But many of the best ones, like Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Lost World, H. Rider Haggard’s King Solomon’s Mines, and Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, were written for adults, and today they would feel outdated to most readers. I wrote Orion Poe and the Lost Explorer because I wanted young readers to experience all the thrills and perils of a classic, old-school adventure story, without the old-school style of writing that often gets in the way.

Do you have an absolute favorite character to write and explore in Orion Poe and the Lost Explorer? What do you love about him or her? Did any of your characters end up surprising you?

My absolute favorite character in Orion Poe and the Lost Explorer is without a doubt Peerless Jones. Peerless is a sly, sneaky, dishonest, shameless, two-faced, conceited, lying, scheming, cigar-smoking, treasure-hunting rogue who’s always throwing obstacles in Orion’s path. He’s the kind of character you love to hate. He continually surprised me, because before I created him I never knew anybody could be so low-down and underhanded.

Your character Orion embarks on a great exploration adventure...if you could explore any place from any time period, where/when would you go?

I’d go back to the 17th century, which was known as the Golden Age of Exploration. Much of the world was yet unexplored by Europeans, and there were still many blank places on the world’s maps.

What’s next for Orion? Can you tell us anything about the sequel to Orion Poe and the Lost Explorer?

Orion recently set off on an expedition to the Amazon jungle to search for Colonel Percy Fawcett, who vanished without a trace in 1925 while looking for a legendary lost city (really!). If Orion makes it out of the jungle alive—and that’s a big ‘if’—I promised I’d help him write a book about his adventure there. So keep an eye out for Orion Poe and the Lost World, due out in 2015.

What has been the most rewarding aspect of being a published author? The hardest or most surprising aspect?

The most rewarding thing about writing a book is knowing that countless people are journeying into a whole new world made up entirely out of your own imagination. The hardest part is writing the book!

Fill in the blanks:

I’m really awesome at running away from hungry bearwolves.

I’m really embarrassed to admit that I like peanut butter-and-cheese sandwiches.

The last great book I read was Howl’s Moving Castle, by Diana Wynne Jones.

If you were to create and bake a cupcake inspired by Orion Poe and the Lost Explorer, what would it look and taste like, and what would you call it?

It would look like an iceberg and be made out of vanilla cake, with vanilla frosting and a sprinkling of white sugar on top. I’d call it the “Polar Express”.

Will Summerhouse is an award-winning author who has lived, worked, and traveled all over the world. Orion Poe and the Lost Explorer, Will’s debut novel, earned 5-star reviews from Foreword Clarion and IndieReader, and recently won first place in a national book competition. Publishers Weekly called it “a rousing story filled with action and tense moments,” while Kirkus hailed it as “a wild, imaginative adventure.”
Will is currently hard at work on his second book, Orion Poe and the Lost World, to be released in 2015.

Win an autographed first edition paperback copy of 
Orion Poe and the Lost Explorer!
Will has generously offered up 2 signed copies for two winners.
-US/CAN only
-2 winners will each get 1 book
-ends 6/7 at 11:59 pm ET
-must be 13+
-winners will be emailed and must claim prize within 48 hours
-Word Spelunking is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen prizes
Fill out Rafflecopter form:

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

My Last Kiss Blog Tour {Top Ten List}

I'm stoked to have the My Last Kiss Blog Tour stopping by today with part one of a super fun Top Ten List from author 
Bethany Neal...

My Last Kiss
by Bethany Neal
June 10, 2014

What if your last kiss was with the wrong boy? 

Cassidy Haines remembers her first kiss vividly. It was on the old covered bridge the summer before her freshman year with her boyfriend of three years, Ethan Keys. But her last kiss--the one she shared with someone at her seventeenth birthday party the night she died--is a blur. Cassidy is trapped in the living world, not only mourning the loss of her human body, but left with the grim suspicion that her untimely death wasn't a suicide as everyone assumes. She can't remember anything from the weeks leading up to her birthday and she's worried that she may have betrayed her boyfriend. 

If Cassidy is to uncover the truth about that fateful night and make amends with the only boy she'll ever love, she must face her past and all the decisions she made--good and bad--that led to her last kiss.

Bethany Neal's suspenseful debut novel is about the power of first love and the haunting lies that threaten to tear it apart.

Top 10 Kisses: Part One 
(numbers 10-6)

WARNING: This list is not only jam packed with Grade A smoochable crush-candy, it is also riddled with spoilers(!). So, I reference the book/movie/show name before I dish on the juicy details in case you choose to save yourself for the real, er, fictional thing.

  1. Hold Still by Nina LaCour (pg 119): The out-of-nowhere shirtless kiss with Taylor. It’s just so perfectly awkward and a little desperate and cathartic. It’s a metaphor for adolescents really.

  1. Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver: Kent kisses Sam in the car. I literally waited 413 pages for this precise moment. Forget will she live or die in the end. When do they kiss already?! The moment is so magically bittersweet. Oh, Kent. Le sigh.

  1. Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer (Monster chapter): Jacob kisses Bella on cliff top before battle. Call me a traitor to my kind, but I prefer the on-screen kiss to the on-page one. Mad props to director David Slade for getting a writer to prefer the movie version!

  1. Cruel Intentions (1999): The “Well, I’m in love” kiss at the top of the escalator with that Counting Crows ‘Colorblind’ song play. Man, oh, man. Is it getting hot in here? There are probably a lot of you who haven’t seen this movie, but I strongly urge everyone to rent it for several list-worthy kisses and tingly moments. Ryan Phillippe, Sarah Michelle Gellar, and Reese Witherspoon are at their 90s best!

  1. William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet  (1996 version with Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes): Romeo and Juliet’s second kiss in the elevator. “Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again.” And again and again, please.

Want to read the other half of my top 10? Hint: There’s a vampire (but probably not the one you expect) and Ryan Gosling makes an appearance. I know, I’m such a tease. Head over to Reading Teen blog right now to see what number one is!

Bethany Neal writes YA novels with a little dark side and a lot of kissing from her Ann Arbor, Michigan home. The things she is obsessed with include, but are not limited to: nail polish, ginormous rings, pigs, dream analysis, memorizing song lyrics, pickles, dessert, predestined love, not growing up, sour gummy candies, music videos, Halloween, and fictional boys who play guitar.

MY LAST KISS is her first novel. Connect with her online and follow her on FacebookInstagram and Twitter @BethDazzled.

May 26:          A Reading Nurse, Welcome post
May 27:          Word Spelunking, Top 10 Kisses (numbers 10-6)
                        Reading Teen, Top 10 Kisses (numbers 5-1)
May 28:          YA Love, Writing Advice
May 29:          YAdult Review, Top 6 Bad Boys (Who Aren't So Bad)
May 30:          BookLoving Mom, Story Inspiration From Real Life
May 31:          Broke &Bookish, Top 7 Ghost Stories
June 1:           Proud Book Nerd, Review 
                       Tales of a Ravenous Reader, Pinterest Inspiration Board
                        YAReads, Easter Egg Hunt
June 2:           Michelle& Leslie’s Book Picks, Musical Inspiration
                        Miss-PageTurner's City ofBooks, Behind the Pages
June 3:           SupernaturalSnark, Character Interview w/Ethan
            Guest Video Post on Amy Plum's Blog, First Kiss Stories
June 4:           TheHiding Spot, Q&A 
                        Reader Girls, Ghostly "Rules"
June 5:           BookAddicts Guide, Open Interview
            Anna Reads, My First Fictional Crush
June 6:           LadyReader's BookStuff, Playlist Reveal
June 7:           Free Book Friday, Giveaway
                        Book Rat, Character Interview w/Cassidy 
June 8:           ProudBook Nerd, Characters Theme Songs  
                       Girls in theStacks, Podcast
June 9:           LiteraryRambles, Interview & Review with a Giveaway on the side!
                       YA Sisterhood, Top 10 Fictional Crushes
June 10:        The Best BooksEver, Origin Story
June 11:       
 The Fantastic Flying BookClub, Swag Giveaway & Review

Friday, May 23, 2014

Father's Day Book Giveaway: win a copy of James Madison, A Life Reconsidered by Lynne Cheney

Today, I have a book giveaway perfect for Father's Day! Now, normally I stick to YA, MG, and Picture Books here at Word Spelunking, but the very awesome people at Viking and Penguin contacted me about hosting a giveaway for JAMES MADISON: A Life Reconsidered, a book perfect for the dads out there that love history, reading, politics, and so much more, and I couldn't resist bringing this giveaway to y'all! Below, you can learn more about this much raved about book and enter two win a gorgeous copy...

James Madison: A Life Reconsidered
by Lynne Cheney
Viking Adult

A major new biography of the fourth president of the United States by New York Times bestselling author Lynne Cheney
This majestic new biography of James Madison explores the astonishing story of a man of vaunted modesty who audaciously changed the world. Among the Founding Fathers, Madison was a true genius of the early republic.
Outwardly reserved, Madison was the intellectual driving force behind the Constitution and crucial to its ratification. His visionary political philosophy and rationale for the union of states—so eloquently presented in The Federalist papers—helped shape the country Americans live in today.
Along with Thomas Jefferson, Madison would found the first political party in the country’s history—the Democratic Republicans. As Jefferson’s secretary of state, he managed the Louisiana Purchase, doubling the size of the United States. As president, Madison led the country in its first war under the Constitution, the War of 1812. Without precedent to guide him, he would demonstrate that a republic could defend its honor and independence—and remain a republic still.

WHO:  Lynne Cheney, wife of former Vice President Dick Cheney, is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. She is the author or co-author of twelve books, includes six bestsellers about American history for children and their families.  Cheney’s most recent book is We the People: The Story of Our Constitution (2008). 

WHAT: Cheney, who holds a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin, has been studying Madison since 1987, when she was a member of the Commission on the Bicentennial of the Constitution.  She has spent the last five years immersed in Madison archival materials, and the result is a lively, intimate, and compelling narrative that takes the reader through the history-altering events in which Madison played key roles.  He was not only the Father of the Constitution, but the leader of the first Congress and President Washington’s most influential advisor.  He used both positions and a political savvy unmatched since to secure passage of the Bill of Rights. In 1812, he became the first president to lead the nation in war under the Constitution, and he was not only as steady a commander-in-chief as the nation has ever known, he was a friend of liberty, refusing to silence those opposed to war, although many pressed him to do so.

WHY: Father of the Constitution, principle author of the Bill of Rights, founder of the first opposition party, secretary of state, and fourth president, Madison was both a far-seeing theorist and a masterful politician, who despite all he accomplished has been overshadowed by other Founders.  Mrs. Cheney covers the sweep of Madison’s significant life, exploring his deeds, his mind, and his character to reveal the brilliance and determination that enabled this seemingly modest man to change the world.  Debunking the myths that have burdened his reputation, she shows us the Madison lauded by his famous contemporaries—Washington, Adams, Jefferson—and loved by his glamorous wife, Dolley.

PRAISE for James Madison: A Life Reconsidered
“Lucidly written… this is probably the best single volume bio of Madison that we now have.”
—Gordon Wood, New York Times Book Review

“The book is a lovingly researched tribute to an often-underestimated man. It does not explicitly refer to modern controversies. But present-day politics intrudes.”
The Economist

“Cheney might have written a book that made Madison a prop in today’s political battles. She did not, which is greatly to her credit and true to the life of the man.”
Washington Post

“Meticulously researched, richly detailed look at the life and times of Madison, former Second Lady Cheney fleshes out the achievements and struggles of this American founding father…authoritative, conversational, certainly confident in its analysis.” 
Publishers Weekly 

“A proficiently argued account for Madison’s greatness.”
Kirkus Reviews

"With this compelling, elegant, original biography, Lynne Cheney brings the great, elusive James Madison back to life, reminding us of how powerfully this brilliant Founder’s political and intellectual leadership has shaped the course of American history.  In this era in which Madison is too often eclipsed by more histrionic Founders, Cheney shows us his crucial, fascinating relationships with Dolley, Thomas Jefferson and an all-star cast, and lets us witness the growth of a world-changing political philosopher. Her book demonstrates why Madison deserves to stand near the center of our early American firmament.”  
Michael Beschloss, author of The Conquerors and Presidential Courage

“James Madison did as much to put his stamp on the nation as any of the founders, yet too rarely is he given his due in the pantheon of America’s statesman. In this stunning, brilliant work, Lynne Cheney rectifies this glaring oversight, and brings Madison to life as never before. Written with subtlety and grace, the book is as groundbreaking as it is fresh, as enthralling as it is compulsively readable. It is nothing short of a masterpiece that deserves to be in the bookshelf of every history buff!”
Jay Winik, author of April 1865 and The Great Upheaval

"After more than 25 years working on the Madison Papers, it's not often that I read something about him that is fresh and engaging, and discovers new aspects of his life and character.  Cheney's exploration of Madison's health issues, not only as a young man, but throughout his career, is imaginative and groundbreaking. Her writing is both fluid and polished; the tone is measured and judicious; there isn't a strident note in the whole book. And, an added plus, her treatment of Madison as a political actor is informed by a sophisticated knowledge of politics, without in any way being presentist.” 
David B. Mattern, Research Professor and Senior Associate Editor, Papers of James Madison, University of Virginia

Win a gorgeous hardcover copy of James Madison: A Life Reconsidered (worth almost $40), to keep or give as a gift!
Viking will ship the book (to you or gift recipient) in time for 
Father's Day.
-US only (no PO Boxes)
-will end 5/31
-must be 13+, one free entry per person
-winner will have 48 hours to claim prize
-Word Spelunking is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen prizes
Fill out Rafflecopter form:

Monday, May 19, 2014

Interview & Giveaway: Maggie Dana, author of Turning on a Dime

I'm pleased to have Maggie Dana, author of the middle-grade Turning on a Dime, stopping by today for a fun chat and giveaway...

Turning on a Dime
by Maggie Dana
May 14, 2014

A time travel adventure for MG/tween readers (and older ones seem to be enjoying it, too!)

Two girls from two different centuries and the horse that brings them together.

Teenage equestrian Samantha DeVries wants to be the first African American to ride in the Olympics. Her father, a successful trainer, pushes Sam to excel, while Sam’s academic mother tries to instill a sense of heritage in her headstrong daughter who’d rather be riding horses than studying history. But Sam’s beliefs and her carefully constructed world shatter like a jelly jar when she travels through a time portal and lands in the canopy bed of an 1860s Southern belle.

Even more surprised by Sam’s unexpected arrival is Caroline Chandler. She’s a tomboy who wears breeches beneath her crinoline and rides horses bareback, much to the dismay of her critical mother.

But neither girl has time to fret over petticoats and prejudice. The Civil War is raging, and soldiers from both sides are stealing horses. At risk is Pandora, Caroline’s beloved mare. Without her, Sam’s future Olympic horse, Nugget, might not exist in the present.

Neither will Sam if the slave catchers grab her.

What three words best describe Turning on a Dime?


Can you give us your best one sentence pitch to convince readers, especially reluctant readers, to give Turning on a Dime a try?

A modern black teenager time travels back to the Civil War in Mississippi and finds herself on the run, outwitting slave catchers, and trying to explain bras, music videos, and cell phones to an 1860s Southern belle who’s just become her best friend.

Grab a copy of Turning on a Dime and answer the following:

favorite chapter?
Chapters 13 and 15 (they’re short), told by Sam, when she finally realizes that she’s been caught in a time warp. Nothing looks the same—the bed she went to sleep in, the wallpaper, and the fact that her modern suitcase has been replaced by an armoire full of crinolines and bonnets she’d never wear in a million years. Oh, and the bathroom isn’t the same. No flush toilet. No toilet paper, either … just a pile of newsprint with headlines about the Battle of Vicksburg, circa 1863.

favorite page?
Page 116 where Sam uses her judo training to trounce the plantation’s wicked overseer.

favorite setting/place?
The barn. A shared love of horses is what draws Sam and Caroline together like a pair of magnets. It helps them work through the trauma involved in being a black girl from 2014 and a white girl from 1863. This is reinforced by my answer to the next question:

flip to a random page and give us a 1-2 sentence teaser:

pages 44-45 (told via Sam’s point-of-view)

Caroline’s still staring at me like I’m an alien from another planet. Mom said that some people in the South could be kind of peculiar about biracial kids, but this is a bit more than I expected. Maybe horses will work.

“Do you ride?” I say.

She gulps. “Yes.”

“What’s your horse’s name?”

This always helps to break the ice. No matter who you’re talking to, if they love horses you can get beyond whatever barriers you think are out there if you share your horses’ names.

What inspired Turning on a Dime? How did the story come to be?

I don’t remember, exactly, what inspired it, but I do remember that I was nervous about writing it. I mean, where did I get off, a middle-aged Englishwoman putting herself into the head of a contemporary black American teenager?

So I resisted the story for a long time, like six or seven years, until it couldn’t be contained any longer. To keep on track, I kept reminding myself … girls are girls, no matter what color they are, and some of them love horses.

Bingo! This would be the central theme.

And so, using the writer’s old standby … WHAT IF? … I built the story around these two girls (one black, one white, from two different centuries) and their mutual love of horses … and of adventure. They’re both gutsy and brave, full of angst, and often vulnerable—just like any other teenager, modern or otherwise. Then I tossed in a little time travel and away we went!

Do you have an absolute favorite character in Turning on a Dime, that you loved to write and explore? Did any of your characters end up surprising even you?

This is a toughie, because I adore Sam and Caroline. They both face challenges to their beliefs and how they perceive themselves. Yet, despite all this, they come together in a world that belongs to Caroline because this is where Sam has landed, and she has to deal with it or get herself into serious trouble.

Learning from one another, the girls move beyond prejudice and petticoats and cope with the issues at hand, all the while becoming each other’s best friend. I think the most poignant parts of the story are those where they realize, separately, that their moments together won’t last. Sam will leave Caroline behind in the 1860s and return to her own time.

The character who ended up surprising me the most was a Union Army lieutenant, Gideon Palmer. At first, I wasn’t too sure what to do with him, but when he took a fancy to Caroline, I knew exactly where to go with this. So did Caroline and she played him like a well-tuned piano. Gideon ended up being a catalyst for change and … well, I won’t spoil the story for you.

Your character Samantha loves horses and riding...can you tell us a little bit about your own experiences with horses?

Believe it or not, but I learned to ride horses in the middle of England's largest movie complex, Pinewood Studios. Back in the day it was famous for Cleopatra with Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor; more recently for Superman, Harry Potter, and the James Bond/007 films.

So, here’s my story: many years ago there was a riding stable at Pinewood, and every time us kids rode our ponies down to the paddock where we took lessons, we passed between the main building (head offices and cafeteria) on one side and enormous sound stages on the other. Movie extras in a variety of costumes—aliens, female warriors, and cowboys—would be heading off for lunch or dinner; sometimes we saw really famous stars. A few of them even talked to us. There's nothing like being on a horse to get people's attention.

I imagine one of the best things about being an author is the positive and memorable ways readers react to your books...can you tell us about any of your favorite encounters or experiences with your readers?

The best encounters are those with women now in their thirties and forties who, as kids, loved my earlier horse-book series, Best Friends (in the late-1980s), which evolved into my current series, Timber Ridge Riders. I’ve had several wonderful moments on Twitter and Facebook with these former fans who are now introducing their own children to my latest horse books.

Another amazing encounter was a few months ago with Kate, a young fan who wrote a letter to her best friend about the Timber Ridge books. Kate’s mom took a photo of the letter and gave me permission to share it on Facebook.

Then there are the ‘stream-of-consciousness’ reviews with no punctuation and no capitalization that appear on Amazon, written by enthusiastic youngsters. I absolutely treasure those. The only tough ones are those that ask when the next book is coming out … just a few days after the previous one appeared.

Help! I’m writing as fast as I can.

What do you hope readers learn or walk away with after reading Turning on a Dime?

Enjoyment, a sense of being totally engrossed in the pages, and perhaps a heightened awareness of what it’s like to be different in a world where you’re in real, physical danger. I would also hope that readers will realize that on the inside we humans are all the same, no matter what our outer wrappings look like.

Fill in the blanks:
I’m really awesome at putting my foot in my mouth and then changing feet.

I’m really embarrassed to admit that the dust bunnies beneath my couch are the size of small sheep.

The last great book I read was I’ve read so many great books lately, I’m having trouble deciding, but here are two recent ones that I could not put down. Ambition, by Natalie Keller Reinert, and Lyric Line by Barbara Morgenroth. I was privileged to be a beta reader for both books.

If you were to create and bake a cupcake inspired by Turning on a Dime, what would it look and taste like, and what would you call it?

My cupcake would be chocolate with vanilla frosting because the character that anchors Turning on a Dime is Samantha, just like the ingredients (flour, eggs, butter, and sugar) that anchor a cupcake. The frosting is Caroline because you can’t have a cupcake without frosting (compelling and totally necessary). It would taste rich and satisfying, but not too sweet. I would call this cupcake DELICIOUS DIVERSITY … oh, and I’d put a tiny horse on top.

 (A teenage Maggie jumping her pony, Smokey, without a saddle!)

MAGGIE DANA’s first riding lesson, at the age of five, was less than wonderful. In fact, she hated it so much, she didn’t try again for another three years. But all it took was the right instructor and the right horse and she was hooked for life. 
Her new riding stable was slap bang in the middle of Pinewood Studios, home of England’s movie industry. So while learning to groom horses, clean tack, and muck stalls, Maggie also got to see the stars in action. Some even spoke to her.
In addition to writing books for young horse lovers, Maggie also writes women’s fiction, and her new book, TURNING ON A DIME, is a time travel book for MG/tween readers about horses, the Civil War, and two girls from two different centuries. Born and raised near London, Maggie now makes her home on the Connecticut shoreline where she divides her time between hanging out with the family's horses and writing her next book in the Timber Ridge Riders series.

Win a print or ebook copy of
Turing On A Dime!
Maggie has generously offered a print and ebook copy of her book for two winners.
-the print copy is US only, the e-copy is INT
-one winner will get the print copy, one winner will get the e-copy
-ends 5/26
-must be 13+ to enter
-winners will be emailed and must claim prizes within 48 hours
-Word Spelunking is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen prizes
Fill out Rafflecopter form: