Welp, Cupcakes, March is over which means the end of March MG Madness 2014...this year's event was AWESOME-AMAZING-SPECTACULAR-FABBY-FAB!!!! And I must say a huge THANK YOU to all the authors and publishers who participated, donated prizes, and made this event so incredible!!! I've had so much fun reading all your books, interviewing you, and sharing your magic with the world...y'all rock my socks off and seriously bake my cupcakes <3 font="">
If you missed any of the madness, you can catch up with ALL the posts HERE. And remember to enter the giveaways.
Many giveaways will have multiple winners and there are no limits on how many giveaways you can win SO GO FORTH AND ENTER THEM ALL. I will be contacting winners throughout next week, so keep your eyes peeled for some squee-worthy news ;)
Once again, thank you thank you thank you to the authors and pubs, and to all you splendeferious cupcakes who stopped by and commented each day!
In the next coming weeks Word Spelunking will be getting back to its regular schedule of weirdness and bookish fun!
It was crazy fun. Now I have my fingers and toes crossed. Thanks.
Awesome job, Aeicha. I learned about so many authors and new books. Now I'll try and work my way though some of the ones I missed, and hope I'll snag at least one wonderful prize! Thank you again for all your hard work. It was fun!!!
Thanks Aeicha for all your hard work and for introducing me to some new authors and books that I might have otherwise missed. MG month was such fun!
I love this event and it's a pleasure to stop by all the reviews and interviews! I'll have to make sure to go back to the ones I missed.
I just wanted to say thanks again for putting on this event - it has been amazing! I've looked forward to reading about a new book/author every day, and the giveaways have been incredible. And I am highly impressed on how well organized the whole event was! Anyway, just wanted to say congrats on such a successful event! :)
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