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Aeicha @ Word Spelunking

Thursday, July 23, 2020

The Monster Twins Blog Tour (review & giveaway)

I'm thrilled to have The Monster Twins Blog Tour stopping by today! This tour is sponsored by The Monster Twins and hosted by The Children's Book Review...

Written by Robert and Karen Hanvik 
Illustrated by Ella Ransom 

Bella and Bertie are twins, but they don’t know that, or each other. Separated while babies by bad law, they grew up 6000 miles apart, in Singapore and London. Follow the twins as they discover their shared past and do their best to make a better future for themselves, their families, and others like them. 

The Monster Twins is a sweet picture book about families, written by a family, with a timely message. Readers will join twin monsters Bella and Bertie, who were separated at birth by an awful law, as they and all their parents go on an unforgettable journey full of discovery, courage, and love. 

Robert and Karen Hanvik’s engaging story will pull readers in with its imagination, thoughtful story, and colorful characters. Kids will latch on to Bella and Bertie’s touching story and relatable tales of feeling different. Ella Ransom wonderfully brings the story to life with fun, colorful scenes that highlight the sights of Singapore and London.  

With a beautiful and important message, charming characters, and fun illustrations, The Monster Twins is a delight! 

About the Authors 

Robert, Karen & Ella

The Monster Twins represents Robert’s first foray into children’s literature. Having been trained in journalism, Robert has written for media in the United States and England. As a long-time communications consultant, Robert also has written professionally on behalf of clients and governments around the world. In his various roles, he has traveled extensively in North America, the UK, and Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. 

About the Illustrators 

The Monster Twins is the first book Karen has designed and illustrated, although she has stretched her creative muscles for many years. Having trained at London College of Fashion and Central St. Martins (UK), Karen has channeled her creativity into numerous areas over the years, including her own line of high-fashion scarves ( and a successful career as a digital marketing consultant. An avid traveler, Karen has visited numerous locations across North and South America, Europe, the Middle East, Singapore, and Australia 

Karen’s and Robert’s daughter Ella has enjoyed drawing monsters for as long as she can remember, starting when she was just six years old. More recently, she has added a deep interest in architectural drawings large and small, which inspired her to include a number of iconic buildings in The Monster Twins. Ella studied art and design at University for the Creative Arts (UK) and is currently studying for her bachelor’s degree in Computer Animation Art and Design at Bournemouth University (UK). With her family, 19-year-old Ella has spent time in the United States, Europe, the Middle East, and Singapore. 

For more information, visit https://monstertwins.comTwitterFacebook, and Instagram. 

Enter for a chance to win a copy of The Monster Twins and a Visa gift card!

One (1) grand prize winner receives: 
A physical copy of The Monster Twins 
A digital flipbook copy of The Monster Twins 
A $25 Visa gift card to stock up on more books from your favorite bookstore 

Five (5) winners receive: 
  • A choice of: 
  • A physical copy of The Monster Twins 
  • A digital flipbook copy of The Monster Twins 

Giveaway begins July 20, 2020, at 12:01 A.M. MT and ends August 20, 2020, at 11:59 P.M. MT. 

Disclaimer: This post is in partnership with The Children's Book Review. I received a free copy of The Monster Twins to review. All opinions are my own. 

1 comment:

LeAnn Harbert said...

I want this for my granddaughters. I think they will enjoy reading it.