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Friday, July 26, 2013

Review and Giveaway: Nomad by J.L. Bryan

Nomad releases today!

by J.L. Bryan
Pub Date: 7/26/13
Format: e-ARC
Source: author
They took everything: her family, her home, her childhood.By the age of nineteen, Raven has spent most of her life in the sprawling slums of America, fighting as a rebel against the dictatorship. When the rebellion steals an experimental time-travel device, she travels back five decades to the year 2013. Her plan: assassinate the future dictator when he is still young and vulnerable, long before he comes to power. She must move fast to reshape history, because agents from her own time are on her trail, ready to execute her on sight.
 I received an eARC from the author in exchange for my honest review

If you've read my reviews in the past you've probably noticed that I generally stick to middle-grade and young-adult books. I don't read much New Adult. Honestly, I'm not really a fan of most New Adult...but, when I heard that J.L. Bryan wrote a new New Adult book AND it was a cool mix of dystopian and time-travel, I knew it was one New Adultish book that I wasn't going to pass up. And I'm so glad I didn't because Nomad is just as awesome as I hoped it would be.

I'm a huge fan of J.L. Bryan's Song of Magic series (which is for younger readers), so I was excited to delve into one of his books for older readers (and Nomad is definitely meant for the older YA and NA crowd), and he continues to impress and enthrall me with his fantastic storytelling and ability to weave entertaining, intriguing stories.

Nomad is a gripping, richly complex, and fresh story with a thrilling mix of dystopian and sci-fi and captivating doses of action and romance. I'm always fascinated by time-travel and love when authors aren't afraid to take this concept to some complex and thought-provoking places. So many time-travel premises are severely lacking simply because they aren't well thought-out or their authors create too many plot-holes. In Nomad J.L. Bryan has thought of everything and boldly takes on the concept of time-loops and paradoxes. Bryan's time-traveling premise is so smartly crafted, multifaceted, and anything but simple. For the most part I found the complexity and intricacy of the story to be easy to follow, and certainly intriguing, but at times it could be a bit overwhelming.

One of the things I love best about Bryan's writing, is his vivid and layered world-building abilities. Nomad takes place mostly in our present day (Yale University to be exact), with flashbacks (flashforwards?) to Raven's dystopian future. Normally, I'd be frustrated with a book that didn't spend the majority of time in its more intriguing dystopian future, but the way Bryan sets his story mainly in present day and sprinkles brief glimpses into Raven's future throughout, works really well for the story being told; and the world-building of Raven's dystopian future doesn't suffer at all. Bryan is deftly able to create and explore this dystopian future, with more showing than telling, without creating a disjointed flow between the “then” and the “now”. I'd love to read more about Raven's dystopian future though...perhaps in a new book set there... hint hint wink wink Mr. Bryan ;)

Raven is a great heroine and I really liked her. She's smart and capable, with an engaging mix of strength and vulnerability, compassion and logic, relatability and badassary. Raven finds herself in an unfamiliar time and place, caught between desire and duty, and has the balls to do what she has to to get shit done. She also finds herself caught up in an unexpected romantic entanglement and I really like what Bryan does with this storyline and where he take its. The interaction between Raven and her guy is amusing and addicting, and the sexytimes are hot and fun.

Nomad has a clever and really satisfying ending that brings the story full circle.

MY FINAL THOUGHTS: Nomad is an awesomely original and well-written dystopian, with a complex time-travel premise, entertaining story, and J.L. Bryan's signature world-building and witty dialogue. New Adult fans looking for something a bit different, but still craving great characters and sexytimes, will definitely enjoy Nomad.

Amazon / Nook


J.L. Bryan
J.L. Bryan studied English literature at the University of Georgia and at Oxford, with a focus on English Renaissance and Romantic literature. He also studied screenwriting at UCLA. He lives in the metro Atlanta sprawl with his wife Christina, where he spends most of his day servings the toddler and animal community inside his house. He is the author of the Paranormals series and the Songs of Magic series.His novel Jenny Pox is currently free on KindleSmashwordsAppleSonyKobo, and Nook 

Win an ebook copy of Nomad!
Thanks to J.L. Bryan, I have on e-copy (mobi or epub) to give away.
-open INT 
(to anyone who can receive and read ebooks)
-will end 7/28 at 8pm EST
-must be 13+
-winner will be emailed and must clam prize within 24 hours



Mandi Kaye @ Never Too Fond of Books said...

I've been dying to read this ever since the cover was revealed! Time travel stories are amazing when done right - and by all accounts so far, this one was done right.

@mandikaye on Twitter. :)

evrythngzen said...

I would love to enter the contest! The book sounds great, was just introduced to it yesterday and it's an intriguing story for sure. Thank you for all the amazing reviews you give. It really does help to guide us to the best books.

Carmen B. said...

I've wanted to read this ever since I saw the badass cover and read the words NA sci-fi/dystopian! I'm so glad to hear that the world building is so solid and the time travel aspects well thought-out! I love time travel books, but they're quite difficult to pull off - awesome to hear that it worked well for you :)
Thanks for your review and for the chance to win a copy!

Carmen B. said...

Oh, and my twitter handle is @Butterfly_Ghost - sorry, forget to add that to the original comment ^^''

Unknown said...

Oooh, I've never heard of this book but it looks interesting! Jenny Pox has been on my TBR for ages, I should really get to it.

I'm really excited to see more NA books that aren't about asshole boyfriends and "romance".

pandalovesyou said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

pandaluvsu82 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

TIME TRAVEL YOU SAY? That right there is enough to make me want to read Nomad! I've seen it on my people's blogs a lot lately and the intense looking cover definitely played a factor in checking it out. Thanks for the giveaway!
@inhalingbooks on twitter :)

Diamond said...

I love the cover of this! :D