Current Giveaways

Word Spelunking’s temporary hiatus is now permanent. All requests are closed and there will be no new content. Thank you to everyone I’ve worked with and everyone who has read and supported this blog. Y’all are awesome!!

Aeicha @ Word Spelunking

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Young Adult Giveaway Hop

Welcome to my stop on the Young Adult Giveaway Hop!
and I want to thank them for hosting this wonderful event.

I LOVE all things YA so I'm super excited to be participating in this hop and to be able to offer y'all an awesome YA giveaway.
I am offering two prize options...

Option #1
**this prize will be given if an international winner is chosen (anyone outside of the US)**

Any YA book from TBD for $12 or less.
Must be a YA book!
This option is open internationally as long as TBD ships to your country

Option #2
**this prize option is open to US residents only**
If the winner chosen resides in the US, then he/she may choose either:

Option #1 Above: any YA book from the TBD for $12 or less
The following set of YA ARCs:
(you get all 3)
(these ARCs have only been read once by me and are all in excellent condition)

*signed* Carrier of the Mark by Leigh Fallon
this ARC is signed by the author and comes with a signed Carrier of the Mark postcard 
Incarnate by Jodi Meadows
The Way We Fall by Megan Crewe
the ARC cover differs from the finished cover above, but is still an awesome cover

Giveaway will run from 1/27 -1/31 at 11:59pm ET
There will be one (1) winner
Open internationally
Fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter
  • Must be 13 or older to enter
  • Must be a GFC follower
  • Only one main entry per person
  • Winner will be emailed and must claim prize within 48 hours
  • I am NOT responsible or lost or damaged prizes in the mail

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Be sure to hop by all the other participating blogs and enter their giveaways, for even more chances to win!


1 – 200 of 212   Newer›   Newest»
AmyS. said...

It is not from 2012 but I read it this year. My favorite was If I Die by Rachel Vincent.


Melanie said...

The best YA book I've read this year is Corridor by Robin Parrish!! I LOVED it!

Replication by Jill Williamson was good as well, but Corridor is definitely my favorite! :)

Thanks for the giveaway!

frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

Sara @ Forever 17 Books said...

I really loved The Fault in Our Stars and Hallowed so far! And I cannot wait for Insurgent! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

kara-karina@Nocturnal Book Reviews said...

I'm really looking forward to The Hunt by Andrew Fukugawa and toGrave Mercy by R.L.LaFevers :)

Gi-Gi said...

I'm really looking forward to reading The Fault in Our Stars and Cinder. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

Jaskirat@SeeitORreadit said...

There were a lot of great 2011 reads like Delirium, Divergent, etc. I really loved Cinder and I can't wait to read Incarnate. Thanks for the giveaway :)

Vicky said...

I haven't read any 2012 book. But I have to say the best YA book I have read is the Hunger Games. And I am looking forward to The Golden Lily.

Anonymous said...

I've just finished reading Timeless by Alexandra Monir. I love it! And I'm looking forward to read Graffiti Moon and The statistical probability of love at first sight.

Oh! Paper Pages said...

I am dying to read Insurgent! Thanks for the chance to win!

Ellz said...

Bloodrose. Actually haven't read that many in 2012 yet. Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

Best 2012 release I've read would be the only 2012 release I've read this year: THE FAULT IN OUR STARS by John Green!

The 2012 release I'm most looking forward to would have to be... I can't just choose one! It would have to be one of three: Insurgent by Veronica Roth (May 1st) OR The Enchantress by Michael Scott (May 22nd) OR Clockwork Princess by Cassie Clare (Nov 1st?)

Kaye M. said...

Wow, awesome giveaway! My favorite release of 2012 so far is Cinder - and the one I'm looking forward to is Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard :)

Amber at The Musings of ALMYBNENR said...

I have three! Under the Never Sky, Tempest, and New Girl!

Kaylyn's Book Blog said...

I'm looking forward to finishing a lot of series that I've started such as Beautiful Creatures, Wicked Lovely, Gone, etc.

manda-rae said...

I absolutely loved Tempest!!

Unknown said...

Whoa...this is an awesome giveaway. And since I'm an international (option 1) then I'll choose one YA book from BD if I win. That's so cool.
YA book that I'm looking forward to reading the most in 2012 is Tempest. I'd love to read that book. I read some reviews and I found the story is very interesting.

Thank u for this giveaway and making it International. I'll shared it in my facebook :)

Kelli said...

So far, I've really liked "Cinder" and "Everneath"!

Thanks for the giveaway!

izlight said...

Best so far is John Green's The Fault In Our Stars & I'm looking forward reading Everneath.

CYP @ A Bookalicious Story said...

I'm REALLLY looking forward to Wings of the Wicked! Haha, thanks for this giveaway, WordSpelunker!

Book Loving Mommy said...

I read Pure by Jennifer L. Armentrout (Covenant #2) and LOVED it! It is going to be in my Top 10 favorites for 2012!

Thanks for a great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading Little Blog on the Prairie ... it wasn't full of paranormal demons, or vampires, or anything like that, but was a cute, fun read!


Farah said...

Best I've read in 2012 is Daughter of Smoke and Bone. I'm soooo looking forward to Insurgent :D

Anonymous said...

Definitely the best so far has been the unbecoming of mara dyer! I adored adored adored it!

Michelle @ In Libris Veritas said...

I haven't read much this year so far so I don't have much to choose from. I did re-read Harry Potter 1 for the third time, so that would take the top spot.

I did enjoy The Thirteen Hallows though.

Arianne said...

the best one I've read in 2012 is Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater

vadeluna07 said...

The best YA book I've read so far has to be Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare.

Jessirae said...

Best YA book I've read so far in 2012 has to be a toss up between Everneath by Brodi Ashton and Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley. Both are absolutely amazing!

Amber said...

This is such a tough question because I've already read a bunch of good books. I'm going to say either FRACTURE by Miranda or UNDER THE NEVER SKY by Rossi or EVERNEATH by Ashton.

ansindt said...

I really loved Cinder. I thought it was a fun twist to a classic fairy tale=)

Marrria said...

I loved the River of Time series and I can't wait for Bourne

Unknown said...

Looking forward to reading The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead!

buddyt said...

Thanks for the giveaway and for opening it to worldwide entries.

Best book I have read so far this year is Will Grayson, Will Grayson

Carol T

buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

I Follow via GFC as buddyt

Unknown said...

Sadly I have only read one book so far and that was Hex Hall book two, seeing as how it ended I can't wait for book three to come out in a few months.

Jessica ( frellathon ) said...

So far in 2012 and it's only been a short time best is Ashfall which is fantastic. Loved it.

Rica said...

shatter me is my favorite book on 2012 and i look forward on reading havoc by jeff sampson :)

picyadri said...

The best YA book I read so far was Under The Never Sky. It is amazing!

Cathy C said...

im looking forward to reading Incarnate

catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

Pavan said...

I absolutely can't wait for Insurgent by Veronica Roth!! I want this book so bad!!

Pavan H

Anonymous said...

The book I'm most looking forward to would have to be City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare! :D

Veronika said...

I would like to read Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi. thanks for the giveaway!

Jewel said...

I'm looking forward to reading Cinder By Marissa Meyer.

poeticallygreen said...

The best YA book I've read this so far this year is Tempest by Julie Cross

miki said...

in 2012 as ya, i've not read any yet but i 'm waiting for Endlessly ( end of the paranormalcy trilogy)

thanks you a lot for the international giveaway

Rea said...

My best read so far this year was Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi! I keep going back and reading bits of it over and over! ;)

Eli Yanti said...

thank you so much for the giveaway ;)

i love iron fey series by julie kagawa ;)

Unknown said...

So far, my best read in 2012 is Graceling by Kristin Cashore. I can't wait to get my hand on The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead too! :)

layen said...

Looking forward to reading Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare

Thanks for the giveaway!

Sofija Kapranova said...

For me the best so far is Delirium by Lauren Oliver

Giada M. said...

I'm looking forward to read Insurgent by Veronica Roth. Thank you for this chance! :D

throuthehaze said...

Best I have read so far this year is Masque of the Red Death by Bethany Griffin

Mervi said...

I'm looking forward to Insurgent by Veronica Roth.

Hannah Doermann said...

The best YA book I've read this year is The Fault in Our Stars by John Green!

Unknown said...

I haven't that many books so far. But the best YA one is by far Seraphina by Rachel Hartman.

Proserpine said...

This year I read Significance by Shelly Crane)and I really like it! I'm gonna read the sequel soon! thanks for this giveaway!

franchie15 said...

I'm looking forward to read Insurgent. :) Thanks for this giveaway!

Christina Fiorelli said...

Cinder! Thanks for the giveaway!

I'm Christina Kit. in the rafflecopter

Kelly said...

I am looking forward to the final book in the Need series by Carrie Jones and Defiance by Shelly Crane
thanks for the giveaway!!

Rayne said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm looking forward to read Bitterblue.

Crystal said...

I'm really looking forward to reading Bitterblue! I love the series and I've been waiting to read this one for a long time...cant wait!!

Szappanbubi said...

I'm lookinf forward to read Never Enough by Denise Jaden! it's sounds really relation-complicated and deeply true& touching!

Lecea said...

I've only read, like, 11 books so far this year, but the best one so far would probably be The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight. It was a short book, but it was incredibly sweet!

Amy said...

I think my favorite so far has been Shift by M.R. Merrick, and I am most looking forward to Onyx by Jennifer L. Armentrout. There are others I am dying to read too, but I need more Daemon ;)

The Night Bookmobile said...

So far my favorites this year are The Fault In Our Stars and Hallowed.

Anonymous said...

I have read all amazing booksso I won't choose from them lol. I am most definitely looking forward to City of Lost Souls by Cassie Clare. LOVE that series like crazy and I so need to know what happens next.

SacredmOOn said...

The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson. Was the best one I've read so far. Thank you for this generous giveaway! DeAnna Schultz

KindleObsessed said...

Well, the book I'm looking forward to the most would have to be "Insurgent" I freaking LOVED Divergent and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Sarah Erhart said...

What am I most looking forward to reading this year...? I haven't read the Hunger Games yet, and would love to, and must read The Onyx Talisman by Brenda Pandos. And any other YA book I can lay my hands on! Thanks for the giveaway!!!

Unknown said...

The best YA book I've read in 2012 is Bloodrose from the Nightshade series by Andrea Cremer. The book I'm looking forward too is Fear from the Gone series from Micheal Grant.
Thanks for the great giveaway!

Judy said...

I read Die for Me by Amy Plum right before Christmas and I am really looking forward to reading her next-Until I Die- in a few months when it comes out!!

lindseybousfield said...

By far best book I have read is The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. This is one of the most beautiful and heartbreaking stories I have ever read. AMAZING!

Kris Mathewson said...

I am looking forward to reading Incarnate! Thank you so much for the Giveaway!

Jana said...

I can´t wait to read City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare :)
Thank you so much for the chance to win!

Angie said...

I loved Tempest by Julie Cross

Janie said...

The best YA I've read so far this year is Divergent. I absolutely fell head over heels in love with it. I'm very excited for Insurgent to come out this year :))

oriana said...

i read the book of maya.its not excelent but at least its good..
thanks so much for making it international!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the giveaway.
Looking forward to read City of lost souls

Kristi said...

Shadow & Bone by Leigh Bardugo, for sure. I've already read it as you might know, but it's still not out yet...sigh.

If that doesn't count, I'm so looking forward to Insurgent. Thanks for the giveaway. :)

Kali Skittles said...

I'm looking forward to reading Pandemonium the most.

SpadesHighReads said...

The 2012 novel that I really enjoyed so far would be Cinder by Marissa Meyer =)

Thank you for hosting this giveaway! And for participating in the Hop =)
hope you have a wonderful weekend!

GFC: SpadesHighReads

marian said...

can't wait to read insurgent and golden lily

Inessa said...

I'm looking forward to reading Insurgent in 2012!!!

Thanks for this great giveaway ;D

Veronica W. said...

I am looking forward to Bitterblue! I will be obsessed ;)

SarahS. said...

I'm looking forward to reading Bitterblue!

Karen Maldonado said...

I read it this year, but its from 2011, "Deadly Cool" so far is the most interesting book I've read.

And I really want to read Hallowed, Out of Sight, Out of Time, Until I die, Perception and like 10 more that are very urgent.

Dinda said...

Thanks for the giveaway !!!
The best book I've read so far in 2012 is Crossed by Ally Condie. I'm looking forward to read Pandemonium and Insurgent.

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to Bitterblue this year, but haven't been reading many 2012 YA novels so far (I've been quite obsessed with George R. R. Martin :P)
Thanks for the giveaway!! :D

usagi, said...

I'm looking forward to "Insurgent", but the best book I've read this year so far is probably "Arcadia Awakens" or "Pink Smog" - both were AWESOME.

Anonymous said...

There are so many great books that are coming out!! I have to say I really want to read "Everneath" and "Shatter Me" - among lots of others!

Maidenveil said...

I have a lot! Bitterblue, Insurgent, COLS, Bloodrose!

ashley said...

Looking forward to Insurgent!

Melissas Eclectic Bookshelf said...

So far...Cinder!!

brandileigh2003 said...

I want to read the 3rd in Kailmeyra series.

Emily @ Falling For YA said...

The best book I have read so far is an ARC of The Weeping. The book I am most looking forward to in 2012 is Insurgent!!

Jenn @ Owl Read It said...

The best YA book I've read so far this year was Shatter Me.

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Sara Kovach / Dare to be Different - Teach! said...

Favorite book read in 2012 so far is The Gathering Storm by Robin Bridges.

In Julie's Opinion said...

My favorite YA book of this year is without a doubt Under the Never Sky! I love it!

Mary Preston said...

I'm looking forward to A MILLION SUNS.

Ana Norte said...

So far, my favorite YA book that I read this year is Legend by Marie Lu!!

TayteH said...

Catching Jordan was the best so far! And I can't wait for the Mark of Athena!

Adriana C said...

I´m looking forward to read Insurgent by Veronica Roth.
thanks for the international giveaway!

Bookworm Lisa said...

I am looking forward to reading Dragonswood. I loved Embraced by Cherie Colyer.

aurora M. said...

what YA book are you looking forward to reading the most in 2012?
Jessica rules the dark side by Beth Fantasky! Yummy good.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway! The best books so far this year for me have been Zero by Tom Leveen or Me Earl and the Dying Girl

nodizzies said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I'm most looking forward to Black Heart by Holly Black b/c it's going to be the end of an awesome trilogy!

Chen Chang

Kathryn said...

Looking forward to Divergent, though my favorite book I read was Veiled.

Lexie@BookBug said...

The best book I read in 2011 was Unearthly by Cynthia Hand and I am most looking forward to reading the sequel, Hallowed in 2012.

Allie said...

Best book I've read so far is The Fault in Our Stars, and I'm looking forward to reading Hallowed. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Bleuette said...

Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini is my favorite book I read in 2012 so far! :)

Gigi said...

This year I read Shatter Me and i'm looking forward for Insurgent!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I just finished up Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver, and I though it was amazing! It's only the second book ever to move me to tears.

- Jackie

Badass Bookie said...

I'm really looking forward to reading In Honor, Something like Normal, The Fine Art of Truth and Dare AND some others ;P

Sarika Patkotwar said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I am currently reading Everneath and it is so interesting! :)

Dominique said...

So far I've only read adult books in 2012. Except for the one I just started today. Right now I'm reading Dearly, Departed. So I guess I'm looking forward to seing how it turns out lol.

(Nikki Marie on rafflecopter)
couponcookie at gmail dot com

mk said...

The only YA books I've read this year were from the Morganville vampires series and I loved them! I'm looking forward to reading the Golden Lily by Richelle Mead and a few more... Thanks for the great giveaway and for making it international.

Anonymous said...

The best YA book I've read so far in 2012 is Stolen Away by Alyxandra Harvey! I just love àll of her books. She's an amazing author!
I'm probably looking forward the most to The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead!

Unknown said...

The YA book I am looking forward to reading the most in 2012 is City Of Lost Souls.

Vicky @ A Backpack Full of Adventures said...

I'm looking forward to All These Things I've Done and Tempest - I haven't read either of them but I'm really looking forward to it! xxx

Dark_Calling said...

Best i've read so far:
Circle of Fire-Michelle Zink/Leviathan-Scott Westerfeld

As for what I'm excited to list is endless, but surely city of fallen angels is one of the important ones

Unknown said...

Finnikin of the Rock is the best book I've read so far this year.

Anonymous said...

I've jsut finished Matched by Ally Condie and I simply loved it ^^ I'm missing Ky so bad already lol Can't wait to read the next book!!


Unknown said...

The best one so far was Catching Fire, no doubt. ;) But the best one released this year was Partials by Dan Wells.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Doremi said...

The best book I have read so far this year is Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver, and I can´t wait for Rebel Heart by Moira Young to be published... and I have to wait till the end of october! Torture!

Anonymous said...

I'm really looking forward to residing The way we fall!!!! <3

Thanks for the giveaway xD

Anonymous said...

I'm really looking forward to residing The way we fall!!!! <3

Thanks for the giveaway xD

Anne said...

I loved Cinder by Marissa Meyer, I can't wait for Insurgent!!

Victorique de Blois said...

I am looking forward to Insurgent by Veronica Roth.

Kulsuma said...

I'm looking forward to Glitch!
Thanks for the amazing giveaway!:)

Unknown said...

hi! Thanks so much for this giveaway and for making it international. The most anticipated book for me is INSURGENT by Veronica Roth. I love love love Divergent and I want to read Insurgent as soon as it is released.

Thanks again s much :)

april david @ books4juliet

annejude said...

Best book I have read so far this year is Behemoth by S. Westerfeld.-

Thank you for the giveaway:)

FairyWhispers said...

I'm looking forward to Insurgent by Veronica Roth


aparajita said...

the best ya book i have read so far in 2012 would be everneath by brodi ashton

Natasha Areena said...

The one book that comes to mind that I really, really want to read is The Last Echo.

Cayce said...

I'm looking forward to The Fine Art of Truth or Dare :)
Thank you for the giveaway!

Dovile said...

I'm looking forward to reading rapture by Lauren Kate.

*Jam* said...

I'm crazy to read Insurgent and Hallowed! Thanks for the giveaway! =)

Valerie said...

I can't wait to read Hallowed! And the best YA book I've read so far this year would be Dark Souls.

Sky said...

The best YA book I've read this year so far is Under the Never Sky by Veronica Roth!

donnas said...

Im looking forward to Clockwork Prince and City of Lost Souls.

geschumann said...

I just finished Cryer's Croos & thought it was great! Thanks for the giveaway! Gloria

Carrie said...

I loved Beautiful Chaos by Kami Garcia!

Kristen said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway! The best YA book I've read so far this year is Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver! I absolutely loved it! ♥

Katie Amanda said...

I really want to read Cinder! :)

Stephanie said...

I am looking forward to reading Scarlet by AC Gaughn

latishajean said...

Thank you very much great giveaway! I can't pick favorite book for 2011 too many! I can't wait to read City of lost souls one on the top on my to read list for 2012!

Unknown said...

I'm really looking forward to Taken at Dusk by C.C. Hunter. Thanks!

SarahSparrow said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

I'm looking forward to reading the next Star Trek: Starfleet Academy book.

Alisia said...

im looking forward to read the next clockwork angel books!

Anonymous said...

The Fault in Our Stars is the best 2012 book I've read so far, and I think it's going to be pretty hard to beat. Thanks for the giveaway!

Thalia Anderson said...

DEFINITELY "Clockwork Prince"! I just finished it and I'm going to just drown in emotion! <3

Sophia Rose said...

I haven't read a YA book yet this year, but I think Cinder is top on that list.

Thanks for participating in the hop and for the giveaway opportunity.

Krista said...

Under the Never Sky was my favorite book of the year so far...hands down...amazing!!

LeDerpyReader said...

I'm waiting for Bitterblue to come out xD

elin said...

Bloodrose by Andrea Cremer is the best 2012 book I read.

Maritza Robinson said...

I read Divergent which was a real good book. I can't wait to read The golden lily. Thanks for this great giveaway!

Devony said...

So far, it's Spellbound by Cara Lynn Schultz. Can't wait for Rapture by Lauren Kate!

Roxy Kade said...

I'm really looking forward to reading Everneath by Brodi Ashton. It seems to be a book everyone is talking about :)

Anonymous said...

I'm really looking forward this year to Insurgent, City of Lost Souls, and Clockwork Princess.

Thanks for the giveaway! :)

- Noely Jeleen

mimz said...

I'm looking forward to Insurgent!

Yvonne @ The Shadow Realm said...

The best YA book i've read so far this year has to be Shatter Me. I loved it so much!

Reading Mind / The Loyal Book said...

I'm waiting for anything by Cassie Clare!!!

Emily said...

the best I have read in 2012 so far is Legend by Marie Lu.
Thanks for the giveaway! :)

shorevalerie said...

The best books I've read so far this year have been Once in Full Moon and Deadly Little Secret!

The More the Merrier said...

My favorite read so far has been Obsidian. Thanks for the chance to win!

FireStarBooks said...

I can't wait to read Cinder! :)

Nedraw said...

I am really looking forward to reading The Hunger Games. Thanks for the giveaway!

fra & fede said...

Thanks for the international GA ^^ I can't wait to read Everneath *o*

Kathy Ann Coleman said...

I'm actually reading Destined by Jessie Harrell right now. :p Doesn't that sound familiar? :D Anyway, I hope the new year is being good to you. Have a great day!

CrystalGB said...

I really enjoyed The Iron Knight by Julie Kagawa.
Thanks for the giveaway.

Ishita Singh said...

I am really excited for Of Poseidon!

Juana said...

My favorite YA book is The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin.

Cricket said...

I am looking forward to City of Lost Souls.

Stephanie said...

I am looking forward to reading Cinder, the only YA books I've read lately is the Lemony Snicket series. I'm reading them, before my 9 year old so we can discuss what has been happening in the books. =)

Ruth said...

The Hunger Games, definitely. I am so looking forward to the film!

Unknown said...

Hunger Games!

Tiff Pull said...

Bloodrose has been the best i have read so far this year.

Maegan Morin said...

The best book that I have read so far this year is Deja Vu by Monique O'Connor James! It was sooo amazing!

megnate at telus dot net

Ashley Long said...

I am SO excited to read Insurgent!

Wolfswan1 said...

I LOVED Bloodrose!!! It was such a great story I could hardly wait between books. I was not very impressed with the ending though but it was still my favorite so far.

Amanda said...

Best book was probably Delirium by Lauren Oliver! I Loved it. :)

Lolawid said...

I just got a signed copy of Indelible. I'm looking forward to reading it!!

Scoot said...

I am looking forward to a ton of great books in 2012, but I think at the top of my list is Insurgent, Enshadowed and The Daughter of Smoke & Bone #2! :)

iLuvReadingTooMuch said...

I recently read Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick which was amazing. I can't wait for the last book as well as Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver! Thanks for the amazing giveaway :D


Unknown said...

I am still trying to catch up from last year, so I would like to read Anna Dressed Blood and Allison Hewitt is Trapped are my top two

Kelly said...

The best so far this year is The Space Between. Loved it!

linda said...

I really enjoyed Shade of Grey by Jasper Fforde

Tiffany Drew said...

So far it is Drowning Instinct by Ilsa J. Bick, it was amazing!

Katrina said...

I am looking forward to reading Cinder, if I ever get the chance. lol

J Whitus said...

The Infernal Devices

Stacy said...

I am looking forward to Cinder. And when I finally get around to reading Delirium, Wither, Across the Universe, and Divergent, I look forward to the second book in each series.

the imagine tree at aol dot com

Linda Henderson said...

I'm looking forward to reading City of Lost Souls.

Hannah Lorraine said...

So far the best book I've read is Under the Never Sky. It's amazing.

Valia Lind said...

I actually loved the Way We Fall!

Kaity said...

I am most looking forward to Article 5 (YAY! TOMORROW). Thank you for a great giveaway.

Helen said...

i am looking forward to the golden lily by richelle mead

Persephone said...

I'm looking forward to Everneath.

Unknown said...

The best book that I've read so far in 2012 wasn't really a 2012 release, it was a 2009 release that I just discovered...Devil's Kiss by Sarwat Chadda. I swear, if you haven't read this then you must! My favorite 2012 book that I've read this year was an ARC of Wings of the Wicked by Courtney Allison Moulton, the second book in the Angelfire trilogy. AH-MAZING! ;)

Suz @ A Soul Unsung

Brenda Demko said...

I'm looking forward to reading Tempest! Thanks for the giveaway!

Rachel said...

The best I've read so far this year is Bloodlines by Richelle Mead, and I can't wait for The Golden Lily!

Cam Kessler said...

the best YA book I've read so far in 2012 is Soul scramers - If i die !!

mamabunny13 said...

The only YA I've read this year so far is Inside Out. I'm looking forward to reading Insurgent.

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