Current Giveaways

Word Spelunking’s temporary hiatus is now permanent. All requests are closed and there will be no new content. Thank you to everyone I’ve worked with and everyone who has read and supported this blog. Y’all are awesome!!

Aeicha @ Word Spelunking

Monday, October 31, 2016

Impyrium Blog Tour {guest post and giveaways}

Welcome to Day #6 of the Impyrium Blog Tour!

To celebrate the release of Imyprium by Henry H. Neff (10/4/16), blogs across the web are featuring exclusive content from Henry and 10 chances to win a SIGNED copy of Impyrium, as well as a Grand Prize Giveaway!

A Sprinkle of Old, a Dash of New:  Creating IMPYRIUM’s Universe by Henry H. Neff

Although my new series, IMPYRIUM, is set in the distant future, the world is rooted in mythologies and folklore going back thousands of years. The result is a cosmology with a fun mix of old and new. Anyone familiar with my first series, The Tapestry, knows that I like to blend different genres and traditions together. Within its five books, one finds Celtic gods, Egyptian artifacts, and a slew of creatures ranging from Assyrian shedu to Russian domovoi. At the story’s beginning, magic and mythological beings exist, but they exist at civilization’s fringes, hidden from the modern world. When the villain Astaroth attained the means to knock us back a century or three, supernatural beings no longer had to live in the shadows. Astaroth had created a brave new world and mankind would have to share it. 3,000 years later, mankind is still sharing the world with other groups and beings. The Faeregines may control Impyrium, but demons rule undersea kingdoms and few humans will set foot in the haunted Grislands beyond the empire’s borders. Impyrium is a fantastical place even before one gets to the Otherland Gates, magical portals to worlds beyond our own. One of these realms, the Sidh (pronounced “shee”), is the fabled fairyland from Irish mythology. Other realms, such as Nether (a ghostly crossroads) and Void are my own creations. One of the best examples of IMPYRIUM’s blended cosmology is the character, Sigga Fenn, and the ancient order to which she belongs. Sigga is exotic in several ways: she is a native of the dangerous Grislands, may possibly have non-human blood, and yet serves the Divine Empress as a member of the Red Branch. Anyone who has read Celtic mythology’s Ulster Cycle or tales of the hero, Cúchulain, is familiar with the Red Branch. They were Ireland’s greatest warriors, mystic knights held in the highest esteem. The Red Branch played an important role in The Tapestry and I wanted to include them in the new series. But their role and identity have changed. In IMPYRIUM, the Red Branch are not knights or champions of the realm. They are assassins; elite killers that do the empress’s dirty work with cold-blooded efficiency. Sigga Fenn doesn’t care if she eliminates a target with a blade to the heart or poison in a cup. All that matters is that the job is done. Sigga and the other Red Branch aren’t held in esteem so much as terror. And that’s just the way the Divine Empress wants it. My decision to twist the Red Branch’s character was deliberate. I wanted them to reflect the dynasty’s decline from something that began with good intentions into a regime willing to maintain power by any means necessary. Sigga Fenn isn’t simply a member of an ancient mythological order, she’s a symbol of a universe where old myths and traditions have evolved into something new. Want to learn more about Impyrium’s universe? Click here and dive into a tale where Old Magic meets new dangers.

Stop by Bookhounds tomorrow for day #7 of the tour!
Blog Tour Schedule:
October 24thCrossroad Reviews
October 25th — Book Swoon
October 26thLife Naturally
October 27thThe Fandom
October 28thGeoLibrarian
October 31st WordSpelunking
November 1stBookhounds
November 2nd The OWL
November 3rdMundie Kids
November 4thRavenous Reader

Follow Henry: Website | Twitter | Facebook
In the first book of Henry H. Neff’s new high-stakes middle grade fantasy series, two unlikely allies confront a conspiracy that will shake the world of Impyrium to its core. For over three thousand years, the Faeregine dynasty has ruled Impyrium. But the family’s magic has been fading, and with it their power over the empire. Whether it’s treachery from a rival house, the demon Lirlanders, or rebel forces, many believe the Faeregines are ripe to fall. Hazel, the youngest member of the royal family, is happy to leave ruling to her sisters so that she can study her magic. But the empress has other plans for her granddaughter, dark and dangerous plans to exploit Hazel’s talents and rekindle the Faeregine mystique. Hob, a commoner from the remote provinces, has been sent to the city to serve the Faeregines—and to spy on them. One wants to protect the dynasty. The other wants to destroy it. But when Hazel and Hob form an improbable friendship, their bond may save the realm as they know it…or end it for good.

About the Author: Henry H. Neff grew up outside Chicago before going off to Cornell University, Impyrium is his second series. The first, The Tapestry, is a five-volume epic that follows the life and adventures of Max McDaniels. He lives in Montclair, New Jersey, with his wife and two sons. You can also find him at where he majored in history. Before becoming a writer, he was a management consultant and also taught history at a San Francisco high school.

In addition to the grand prize giveaway below, one winner will receive a signed copy of Impyrium! To enter, just comment below with 
"I want to win Impyrium!" 
and leave a way for me to contact you (email, twitter, etc).
-US/CAN only, ends 11/6

  • One (1) winner will receive an Impyrium Prize Pack featuring a collector's box packed with a signed copy of Impyrium, bookmark, poster, Hob temporary tattoo, and a signed sketch by Henry H. Neff (not pictured: bookmark, tattoo, and sketch)
  • Enter via the rafflecopter below
  • US Only
  • Ends 11/6 at midnight ET

Monday, October 17, 2016

Review and Giveaway: STAR WARS CREATURES, SHIPS & DROIDS Poster-A-Page from Time Inc

I'm so excited to be sharing and giving away a copy of STAR WARS CREATURES, SHIPS & DROIDS Poster-A-Page...

Oct 5, 2016
ages 6-10
$12.95 paperback
from Disney and Time Inc. Books
Source: from pub for review

The creatures, ships, and droids of Star Wars are some of the most beloved and collected "characters" of the Skywalker Saga. Wookiees and Tusken Raiders; the Death Star and the Millennium Falcon; R2-D2 and B1 Battle Droids-all the fan favorites are represented in this new collection of posters featuring memorable quotes and moments, character galleries, fun facts, and much more from the first six Star Wars films.

Every page is a poster in this full-color collection, plus fans get six additional supersized, fold-out posters, and one special color-in poster they can make all their own. The Poster-A-Page series offers kids the opportunity to bring their favorite friends and stories into their homes and onto their walls, and to become part of their world.


Fans of the Star Wars franchise are in for a treat because STAR WARS CREATURES, SHIPS & DROIDS Poster-A-Page is fantastic, out of this world fun!

Bursting with awesome facts, information, and images from the world of Star Wars, this book will captivate and delights new and old fans alike. Each page (which can be used as a poster), including the seven giant pull-out posters, are crisp, wonderfully colorful, and feature memorable Star Wars scenes. Fans will appreciate and enjoy the quotes, moments, and characters included within.

Young fans will go crazy for the fun color-in-poster included and will love hanging all the posters on their three old niece (who is a HUGE Star Wars fan) is SO excited to put all the cool posters up in her room.

For long-time and the just-discovering-the-awesomeness of Star Wars fans, STAR WARS CREATURES, SHIPS & DROIDS Poster-A-Page is a must have for sure!

Win your own copy of 
The publisher has offered one (1) copy for one winner.
-US only
-ends 10/25
-winner will be emailed and must claim prize within 48 hours
-Word Spelunking is not responsible for lost, damaged, stolen prizes
Fill out Rafflecopter form to enter:

Friday, October 14, 2016

Spotlight and Giveaway: Coastal Spirit by Lindsay Marie Miller

Coastal Spirit
Series: Jungle Eyes Trilogy, #3
Author: Lindsay Marie Miller
Genre: Romance, Action/Adventure, Historical
Release Date: October 18, 2016

Stranded in paradise, Henry and Elaine Rochester struggle to stay alive in the third and final installment of the Jungle Eyes Trilogy. Judas remains on the hunt for treasure and blood, while young Louisa has fallen in love with the man who kidnapped her.
When a ship arrives in pursuit of Captain William Pierce, Elaine is captured yet again by a ruthless hunter. Forced to expose the beautiful creatures she adores, Elaine reckons with the painful loss of Jade. But the strangers in the jungle are not who they appear to be. Will everyone make it off the island alive?

.99cents for a Limited Time!
Also Available:
Download today at the following retailers:

Get ISLAND SMILE for just .99 cents!

LINDSAY MARIE MILLER graduated from Florida State University Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature. An incurable romantic at heart, she enjoys writing about strong heroines and the honorable gentlemen who claim their hearts. The author resides in her hometown of Tallahassee, FL, where she is currently working on her next novel.
Connect with Lindsay Marie Miller

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Win an ebook copy of Coastal Spirit!
Lindsay has generously offered one (1) ecopy for one winner.
-open to everyone
-ends 10/18
-winner will be emailed and must claim prize within 48 hours
Fill out Rafflecopter form to enter:

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Spotlight and Giveaway: Island Smile by Lindsay Marie Miller

Island Smile
Series: Jungle Eyes Trilogy, #2
Author: Lindsay Marie Miller
Genre: Romance, Action/Adventure, Historical
Release Date: October 11, 2016
In the summer of 1900, Henry and Elaine Rochester settle along the outskirts of New York City with the birth of their firstborn daughter, Lilly. But neither can escape the dark secrets left behind in the jungle. Judas is alive and engaged to Henry’s beautiful, yet inevitably naïve sixteen-year-old sister, Louisa.

Fueled by revenge, Judas demands the return of his stolen treasure in exchange for Louisa’s safety. But when Judas captures Elaine instead, Henry sneaks aboard a departing ship across the Atlantic to rescue her. Judas is headed to the island with Louisa and Elaine, and he has no intention of ever coming back.

Available Now for .99 cents!

Also Available:

Download today at the following retailers:

LINDSAY MARIE MILLER graduated from Florida State University Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature. An incurable romantic at heart, she enjoys writing about strong heroines and the honorable gentlemen who claim their hearts. The author resides in her hometown of Tallahassee, FL, where she is currently working on her next novel.

Connect with Lindsay Marie Miller

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Join the Mailing List →
**Subscribers receive special offers, exclusive discounts, advanced book chapters, new release announcements and more!**

Win an ebook copy of Island Smile!
Lindsay has generously offered one (1) ecopy for one winner.
-open to everyone
-ends 10/18
-winner will be emailed and must claim prize within 48 hours
Fill out Rafflecopter form to enter:

Monday, October 10, 2016

Happy Mamas Blog Tour {review & giveaway}

I'm thrilled to have the Happy Mamas Blog Tour stopping by today! This blog tour is hosted by The Children's Book Review and sponsored by Kathleen Pelley...

Happy Mamas
By Kathleen Pelley
Illustrated by Ruth E. Harper
Happy Mamas is a lyrical read aloud that pays tribute to the universal joys of mothering in the animal and in the human kingdoms. Charming illustrations depict all the activities that bring joy to a mama and her baby over the course of a day: feeding her little ones bundles of bamboo shoots, teaching her calf how to trumpet loud a jungle cheer, playing peek a boo, watching her little ones fly from the nest, singing a serenade to the man in the moon, or crooning owly lullabies through the deep dark woods. But as the moon glows and the stars shine, what is it that makes all Mamas from desert to jungle, from forest to field, from land to sea happiest by far?
Mamas and babies everywhere will delight in this happy romp – a perfect ode to Motherhood. Perfect for one on one sharing or for use in the classroom. Ages 3-6 Ages 3-6 | CWLA Press | October 10, 2016 | 978-1587601606
Available Here: Indiebound /Amazon

Kathleen Pelley was born in Glasgow, Scotland, but spent most of her childhood summers playing on her grandparents’ farm in Ireland. Her passion for stories stemmed from listening to them on the radio during the BBC children’s story hour. Later, her gentle Irish father fanned the flame even more by feeding her his tales of fairies, leprechauns, and banshees.

So much did Kathleen love stories, that off she went to Edinburgh University and earned a degree in HiSTORY. She didn’t much care for all the facts and dates and numbers, but how she loved the stories of Rasputin, Napoleon, and Bonnie Prince Charlie! One character in particular captured Kathleen’s imagination—Florence Nightingale. After completing her degree, Kathleen studied to become a children’s nurse, but it was a brief and disastrous dalliance. For much as Kathleen loved children, she did not like to see them sick and suffering. However, decades later, Kathleen now sees herself as a kind of a nurse, because she believes that stories can heal the hurts in our hearts.

As a former elementary teacher, Kathleen enjoys sharing her passion with people of all ages. She has been a regular speaker at Regis University on “Nurturing a Passion for Stories,” makes frequent presentations at schools and conferences, and has been telling stories at an inner city elementary school for the past 20 years. She believes that one of the best ways to teach our children empathy is through stories that help them “walk a mile in another man’s moccasins.” When she’s not reading, writing, telling, or listening to stories, Kathleen enjoys knitting, Scottish music, and hiking with her husband and two Golden Retriever dogs along the trails of sunny Colorado.


Ruth is a self-taught English artist who fancies herself as a spiffy writer-in-the-making. She is the illustrator of #1 classic The Kissing Hand and Sassafras, and Happy Mamas is her 3rd book for CWLA. Powered by dark chocolate, she heartily knits stories together with letters, pencils and paintbrushes. She is often snatched up by breezes and colors and pint-sized things like rocks, leaves, shells, bugs, feathers, and creatures. You may also find her gardening, hiking, wildly dancing, and riding her bike really fast in an odd looking helmet. She now breathes easy in Iowa with an adorable husband, a dog, two cats, and six marvelous kids between them (with handfuls of grandbabies!). See her art at

*I received a copy of this book for review purposes*

From the desert to the jungle, under the sea, the arctic, and to grassy backyards, Kathleen Pelley's charming Happy Mamas explores the loving and happy relationship between mamas and babies everywhere!

With sweet, whimsical, and sing-song text, Happy Mamas is delightful and captivating. Pelley beautifully captures the hearts and wishes of mamas of all kinds, as their babies fill them with love, pride, and hope. Little readers will love the fun rhyming words used and be enchanted by all the animals throughout. And mamas (and papas) will appreciate and be moved by the heartfelt sentiments on each page.

Ruth Harper's gorgeous illustrations shimmer and glow with soft, lovely colors. Each illustration features expressive characters, fun action, and sweet moments. The human mamas and babies featured are wonderfully diverse.

With so much heart, beautiful pictures, and fun text, Mamas, Papas, and little ones everywhere will love sharing Happy Mamas together!

Enter to win an autographed 6 picture book prize pack from acclaimed author Kathleen Pelley. The prize pack includes finger puppets, adorable stuffed animals, and Happy Mamas (illustrated by Ruth E. Harper, illustrator of the NY Times bestseller The Kissing Hand).

One (1) grand prize winner receives:
Value: $150.00+

Three (3) runner-up prize winners receive:
  • A copy of Happy Mamas autographed by Kathleen Pelley
Value: $14.95

Giveaway begins October 10, 2016, at 12:01 A.M. PST and ends November 10, 2016, at 11:59 P.M. PST. Giveaway open to US and Canadian addresses only. Prizes and samples provided by Kathleen Pelley.