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Aeicha @ Word Spelunking

Thursday, June 1, 2017

The Dragon with a Chocolate Heart & The Frog Princess Returns Blog Tour (guest post and giveaway)

I'm thrilled to have the joint blog tour for The Dragon with a Chocolate Heart and The Frog Princess Returns stopping by today with a guest post and giveaway...

The Dragon with a Chocolate Heart
by Stephanie Burgis
May 30, 2017
Bloomsbury USA Children’s
Aventurine is the fiercest, bravest dragon there is. And she's ready to prove it to her family by leaving the safety of their mountain cave and capturing the most dangerous prey of all: a human. But when the human she finds tricks her into drinking enchanted hot chocolate, Aventurine is transformed into a puny human girl with tiny blunt teeth, no fire, and not one single claw.

But she's still the fiercest creature in the mountains -- and now she's found her true passion: chocolate! All she has to do is get herself an apprenticeship (whatever that is) in a chocolate house (which sounds delicious), and she'll be conquering new territory in no time...won't she?

Stephanie Burgis is a dual citizen of the US and the UK and lives in South Wales (land of dragons) with her husband, the author Patrick Samphire, and their children. The Dragon with a Chocolate Heart is Stephanie's first (delicious) novel for Bloombsury.

The Frog Princess Returns
(The Tales of the Frog Princess #9)
by E.D. Baker
June 6, 2017
Bloomsbury USA Children’s
Fans of E. D. Baker's The Frog Princess, rejoice! Fifteen years after the original, Princess Emma, Prince Eadric, and all the beloved characters are back for another magical adventure from popular author E. D. Baker.

Two weeks after Emma's birthday, Prince Eadric -- having been turned from a frog into a human again -- is still in Greater Greensward. One day, a beautiful princess named Adara arrives at the castle in Greater Greensward for a visit, claiming to be Emma's distant cousin. But Adara has other motives that threaten Emma and Eadric's blossoming romance.

Meanwhile, something is very wrong in Greater Greensward. Crops are dying, streams are drying up, and large sections of trees in the enchanted forest are withering -- all because the Fairy Queen has disappeared. Without her, there is no peace in the magical kingdom, and dangerous foes threaten to take advantage of her absence. Only brave, tenacious Emma with her knowledge of the land can restore order . . . but first she must set out on a journey unlike any before.

Brimming with lovable characters and page-turning magic, The Frog Princess Returns will bring a whole new batch of readers to E. D. Baker's highly acclaimed, wonderfully popular world of Frog Princess series.

E. D. Baker is the author of the Tales of the Frog Princess series, The Wide-Awake Princess series, The Fairy-Tale Matchmaker series, and many other delightful books for young readers, including A Question of Magic, Fairy Wings,and Fairy Lies. Her first book, The Frog Princess, was the inspiration for Disney's hit movie The Princess and the Frog. She lives with her family and their many animals in Churchville, Maryland.

Never Irritate a Dragon
by Stephanie Burgis

When I run writing workshops for kids, there’s one exercise that I love to give. I ask each kid to create their own dragon (either by drawing a picture or by writing out a description, depending on their age) and then to answer a few key questions that include: (a) What is your dragon’s favorite thing in the world? and (b) What makes your dragon the most angry?

...Because once you have a dragon who’s just been made angry, you have a great opening to a story! And once you know what their favorite thing in the world is, you know exactly what they’ll fight hardest to win or keep.

In my novel The Dragon with a Chocolate Heart, my dragon heroine, Aventurine, is as ferocious a young dragon as you can imagine. She’s fierce, brave, territorial, and determined to prove herself - and at the beginning of the novel, she discovers her very favorite thing AND her worst nightmare all in one when a tricksy food mage feeds her an enchanted hot chocolate.

Chocolate turns out to be an absolute revelation, her new overwhelming passion (and when a dragon discovers a passion, they’ll do anything for it)...

...but unfortunately, that enchanted cup of hot chocolate transforms her into a puny human with no claws, scales or fire. How is she supposed to prove herself and fight for her passion now?

Well. She may be a human on the outside, but she’s still a dragon on the inside, and she knows she’s the most ferocious creature anywhere she goes, no matter what anyone else might think of her. So when she arrives, barefoot, in the human city in search of chocolate, with no family or friends or any idea of human customs, she may seem like a hopeless case from the outside...

...but that big city has no idea what’s about to hit it! And neither does the particularly quirky chocolate shop that she’s about to discover. ;)

I had to access my own inner dragon to write Aventurine’s story. I hope that everyone who reads it (no matter what their age) will find some of their own inner dragon in it, too!

And I hope they’ll hang onto that part of themselves next time they’re in trouble...because everyone knows that it’s dangerous to irritate a dragon!

Win copies of The Dragon with a Chocolate Heart and 
The Frog Princess Returns!
(US/CAN only, prizes provided by and shipped from Bloomsbury)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Danielle H. said...

These books sound so fun to read. I love dragons and chocolate and now there's a spunky character whose story revolves around both! I also have always loved frogs and this fairy tale. Reading a twist on the original is exciting.

Shelley P said...

My daughter would really enjoy reading these both! She is into and loves princesses, magic, and dragons :)

Slowsly said...

Love the idea of chocolate being a passion! I think a good many writers can sounds like a fun read and I look forward to indulging.

Julie Waldron said...

These both look like really cute books that my girls would enjoy. :)

laurie nykaza said...

I just love both of these books the kids would enjoy reading them so much.

mcraig49047 said...

these sound like such cute books, I know my daughter's would love!

lkw1974 said...

thanks for the chance

Christin said...

Would love for my daughter!

Anonymous said...

The book sounds like something my daughter would love!

Elicia P said...

I have always loved the frog and princess book.

amyd16323 said...

I really like these books, and my daughter would love them as well

MichelleCat said...

these would be great for all my kids; boys and girls alike :-)

The Freebie Chick said...

My nieces (twins) would love thee books they are always looking for new book to read. Holly Wright