You can participate too! Here are all the details from Miss Fishy:
~You can join me and gush over amazing people on your blogs :D
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~You can join me and gush over amazing people on your blogs :D
~ We can make this a follow blog hop, so people can jump post to post and visit your amazing blog!
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Q. Who is the toughest character you have ever discovered? It can be mentally, physically, or emotionally. what made them so special? |
Hmm, this is a tough (teehee, I know I'm HIGH-larious) question. For me, one of the toughest characters I've ever encountered is Callie from Patricia McCormick's Cut. Calli is a character that is near and dear to my hear, and her particular story is one that I have a very personal connection to. Before I explain just what makes her so tough, I must first introduce Cut...
As you can tell from the synopsis, Callie is a girl dealing with some heavy stuff, and in the beginning of the book, she doesn't really go about this in a good way. Callie is not particularly physically or emotionally (at least not yet) tough, but she is mentally tough. Callie refuses to talk about her cutting and the underlying problems, and in doing so she builds up this strong wall around her, not allowing anyone in or allowing herself out. This isn't a healthy or positive way to deal, but it is quite effective. Callie's mental toughness allows her to protect herself from judging people, intrusive doctors, and even from herself. She spends so long trying to convince everyone else that she simply does not need anyone but herself, that she slowly begins to believe it.
Of course, this mental wall eventually breaks and positively so. But I think Callie's mental toughness really prepares her to slowly become emotionally tough as well.
This sounds like a really cool blog hop!
I just wanted to let you know that over at The Feather and the Rose we've given you a blog award!!
Check it out here:
^ haha! I've also given you the One Lovely Blog Award.
Happy reading & blogging!
Susan and Sierra- Thank you both so much for the honor, but I'm going to have to humbly and politely decline the awards. I simply do not have the time to return the favor and I don't want to accept an award I won't be able to re-give.
Thanks so much though :)
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