
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tatted Thursday (1): MG Tattoos

Tatted Thursday... is a weekly meme hosted at Word Spelunking that features literary inspired tattoos based on weekly themes. You can easily participate by grabbing the picture above (or making your own) and posting your tattoo finds.

This week's theme: MG Tattoos- tattoos inspired by middle grade books

Harry Potter
The Hogwarts crest is a popular tattoo and it's easy to understand why; the crest is a great symbol of Hogwarts and an awesome why to display your Hogwarts love!

Peter Pan
I love the simplicity of this tattoo!

A Series of Unfortunate Event
This captures the tone of these books perfectly!

Super Cute

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
There's no place like home!

What do you think of these tattoos?

Next week's Tatted Thursday theme is: Book Quotes- tattoos featuring book quotes
See a list of upcoming themes HERE
***Add your Tatted Thursday post link to the linky***


  1. I love the Peter Pan one. I liked Coraline, but that tattoo is a little creepy. :)

  2. Interesting, I hadn't heard of this meme before! ;D

    I came by to follow you through Linky, I hope you'll follow me back on it too. :)

    Happy Thursday!

  3. Aww Series of Unfortunate Events, that was my all time fav non-harry potter series back in the day!

    I love the Peter Pan one though!

    Amber Elise @ Du Livre
    Check Out Du Livre's Latest Blog Post: Initiation by Imogen Rose Blog Tour Stop and Giveaway

  4. The Peter Pan one is awesome. I also absolutely love the Hogwarts Crest!!

  5. I LOVE this meme! I will have to do it once in a while! I just started a meme on Thursdays too! How fun! Mine is Book Trailer Thursday! I LOVE the Peter Pan one! I just LOVe this Aeicha! *gush gush* (I'm actually getting a new tat soon and looking for ideas for the words that I a want to entwine in it!

  6. I thought the Harry Potter tattoo would be my favorite because the Harry Potter books are my favorite. But then I saw the Peter Pan tattoo, and it just made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. It's so magical!

    - Jackie


Hey there cupcake! You look lovely today and I can tell you're thinking very smarticle thinky go ahead and post 'em!

After much thought and only recently being introduced to blog awards and blogger tagging, I'm going to have to declare this an award/tag free blog. I'm honored, humbled, and so very grateful for simply being considered for an award, but I simply do not have the time to return the favor. If I could, I'd award y'all with dozens of yummy cupcakes ;) Thanks for understanding.