
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Top 10 of 2012: Best Book Boyfriends and Girlfriends

Today's list is...

Best Book Boyfriends & Girlfriends
I couldn't limit the list to just my fave guys, so I included my fave gals too!
(in no particular order...because picking just ten is hard enough!!!)
click titles to learn more

Tiger Lily
from Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson
Tiger Lily is given such a fierce loveliness in this book that I couldn't help but be completely captivated by her. I found myself drawn to her much more than Peter Pan or that Wendy Bird.

Aiden St. Delphi from Deity (Covenant Series #3) by Jennifer Armentrout
I've been on Team Aiden since day one and I just loved him in Deity. He's such a swoon-worthy hottie *flails*

Yukiko from Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff
There's nothing hotter than a badass chick who kicks serious butt, slays demons, knows how to wield a weapon, and is witty to boot! 

Tristan Belicoux from Billow by Emma Raveling
I love both of the main male characters in this series (and both made this list), but I think I love Tristan just a bit more than his competition Julian. Tristan is just so sexy-sweet and honorable. He's the epitome of the knight in shining armor.

Anna Korlov from Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake
Since book one I have been completely enamored with this lovely ghost girl. There's something just so spellbindingly and heartachingly beautiful about her. If I were into dating ghosts, I'd totally choose her! 

Julian LeVeq from Billow by Emma Raveling
I talked about how sexy-sweet Tristan is above, and now I'm going to talk about how frustratingly sexy-snarky Julian is. Since book one, I wanted to not like him and just be totally Team Tristan, but I can't help but love Julian too. 

Zuzana from Days of Blood & Starlight by Laini Taylor
Zuzana really shines in this sequel to Daughter of Smoke & Bone! This feisty fairy-esque girl is full of spunk, spark, and sass and I have such a crush on her.

Burru from Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff
*le sigh*. If it's wrong to have a crush on a mythical thunder tiger/griffin then I don't wanna be right (don't judge me!). There's something so irresistibly captivating and eloquently powerful about this Buruu.

Katy from Onyx and Opal by Jennifer Armentrout
My crush on Katy has surpassed the fangirl level! She continues to be one of the best developed and written YA heroines in existence. Her strength, determination, courage and strong-will never waver. I love that she isn’t defined by her love interest and can easily stand alone as a fascinating, layered and complete character without Daemon (not that I don’t lurve them as a pair). And the acerbic and quick wit Armentrout has blessed her with continues to bake my cupcakes!

A from Every Day by David Levithan
Even with no specific gender, race or physical body of their own, A is still such a complex and layered character. I haven't felt so attached and invested in a character this much in a long time.  I was so blown away by and moved by this character, by the end of the book I felt like A was a part of me.

Who are your book boyfriends and/or girlfriends of 2012?!
Come back tomorrow when I list the top ten books I'm looking forward to in 2013...


  1. I'm right there with you on Yukiko and Burru *sighs* Especially Burru, lol.

    Great list!

  2. Love Anna and Katy! Also Daemon and Cas!
    My Top 10

  3. Awesome list! I love Anna and Yukiko, they know how to do badass! and Burru!
    Here's my Top Ten at Bookmunchies (:


Hey there cupcake! You look lovely today and I can tell you're thinking very smarticle thinky go ahead and post 'em!

After much thought and only recently being introduced to blog awards and blogger tagging, I'm going to have to declare this an award/tag free blog. I'm honored, humbled, and so very grateful for simply being considered for an award, but I simply do not have the time to return the favor. If I could, I'd award y'all with dozens of yummy cupcakes ;) Thanks for understanding.