
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Elemental Blog Tour: Author Interview and Giveaway

I'm very excited to have the Elemental Blog Tour stopping by Word Spelunking today with an interview with Emily White and a giveaway! Be sure to check out my review to learn more about Elemental.

Q. What three words best describe ELEMENTAL?

Dark. Sparkly. Kaboom.

(Make of that what you will :P)

Q. In one sentence tell readers why they should *coughMUSTcough* read ELEMENTAL?

There are BIG explosions and fairies! 

Q.  Now using as many words and sentences as you like, can you tell us a little bit more about ELEMENTAL and the trilogy as a whole?

Hehehe! Sure! Elemental is a YA sci-fi set in a faraway galaxy. The MC, Ella, has spent the vast majority of her life on a prison ship, alone in her pitch black cell. When she escapes, she sets off this catalyst for war and now she has to decide not only which side she's on, but what kind of person she wants to be. The choice isn't always easy.

I think the first two lines of the back of the book blurb sum it up very well:

Just because seventeen-year-old Ella can burn someone to the ground with her mind, doesn't mean she should.

But she wants to.

The trilogy follows this arc and her decision only gets harder with each book. But at least she has Cailen. ;)

Q. What has been the most challenging aspect of the writing process and/or the publishing process? The most rewarding? The most surprising?

Finding the time to write when on a deadline has definitely been the most challenging. With two little kiddos at home, writing time is very sparse. The most rewarding would have to be talking about my characters with someone else who has read the book. It still gives me this excited, tingly feeling just thinking about it! And the most surprising? Probably the fact people are actually excited to read it! I know that sounds weird, but I kind of had this idea going into it that yeah okay, I signed with SHP, but that doesn't mean anyone ELSE is going to want to have anything to do with it! It's all very surreal. 

Q. What current or future writing project are you most excited for right now?

Fae!!! The sequel to Elemental. It is going to be EPIC. 

Q. If you could visit or even live in any fictional world, which world would you choose? What would you do there?

Middle Earth. I'd probably party with the Hobbits and then go see what's left of Lothlorien. 

Q. What one character from any book would you love to be BFF’s with?

Marianne Dashwood from Sense and Sensibility. I guess I just love how she sees the world. I think she would be great to have tea with. ;) 

Q. I’m a proud T.V. junkie and could talk about my favorite shows all day long (and I have!) so I gotta ask- what are some of your fave T.V. shows?

Supernatural! This Old House! Once Upon A Time! (and my personal shame: America's Next Top Model). I watch other shows from time to time, but these are the ones I can NOT miss. 

Q. Who is your favorite literary villain…who do you just love to hate or hate to love?

Darth Vader! (and yes, there ARE books :P) He's the most complex villain I have ever come across. Talk about struggling with that evil inside you!

Q. If you were to bake/create an ELEMENTAL cupcake what flavor would it be, what would it look like and what would you call it?

Cinnamon! It would be red and HOT. The frosting would also be hot and it would look like red and orange flames with red sparkly sprinkles. I would, of course, name it after Ella's favorite element: Fire!

Thank you so much Emily for taking the time to answer my questions! And anyone who loves Supernatural is automatically my newest BFF :)

Find the author: Website / Goodreads / Twitter / Facebook
Purchase: Amazon / B&N Book Dep.
Emily White lives in NY, wedged between two of the Great Lakes and a few feet of snow and ice. She's spent most of her life running away from the cold, and even spent a year in Iraq, but now contents herself with writing her characters into warm, exotic places in faraway galaxies. When not tapping away at her computer keys, she can be found reading, reading, and reading some more. And when she's not doing that, she's usually playing video games with her husband, peek-a-boo with her kids, or walking through her garden, wondering why the bugs insist on eating all her vegetables. Emily's debut YA Sci-fi novel, ELEMENTAL, will be published by Spencer Hill Press in 2012.

Win an ARC of Elemental and/or a signed bookmark!
I'm giving away my ARC and signed Elemental bookmarks (they are so pretty!)
Giveaway will run from 4/25 - 5/4
You must be a GFC follower to win
There will be 5 winners-
1 US only winner: ARC, signed bookmark, temp. Elemental tattoo
4 INT winners: signed bookmark

To enter the US only giveaway fill out the Rafflecopter form.
To enter the INT giveaway simply leave a comment letting me know you want a bookmark, your GFC name and leave an email address I can contact you with. I'll have my sister randomly choose four winners
  • Must be 13+ to enter
  • One main entry per person
  • Winners will be emailed and must claim prize within 48 hours
  • I am NOT responsible for lost, stolen or damaged prizes in the mail

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. BOOKMARKS! love them! book sounds good! thanks for the giveaway!

    Çråz¥ K¥

  2. Yay! Thank you again for having me! :) :) :)

  3. Also, Supernatural is the best show to ever grace television. I seriously hope they never EVER make it come to an end.

  4. Awesome interview! and yes I agree Supernatural is an amazing show!

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  5. Signed bookmarks I'd love to have them... Thanks for the giveaway... :)

    GFC- Anubha
    Email- anubha56(at)gmail(dot)com

  6. A signed bookmark sounds great to me. Thank u for this giveaway :)

    GFC Follower, Amel Armeliana

    email :

  7. I would love to win a signed bookmark :)
    Thanks for the giveaway :)
    GFC Koll


  8. I would love a signed Bookmark. Thank you for the Giveaway!
    GFC: Kris Mathewson

  9. I would love to win a signed bookmark :)

    GFC: Yvonne


  10. I would love to win a signed bookmark. Thank you for the giveaway.

    GFC Follower: Nazish Ahmed

  11. Thanks for the giveaway!
    I'd like to have a bookmark, you can never really have enough of them. :) Besides, Elemental sounds very interesting.


Hey there cupcake! You look lovely today and I can tell you're thinking very smarticle thinky go ahead and post 'em!

After much thought and only recently being introduced to blog awards and blogger tagging, I'm going to have to declare this an award/tag free blog. I'm honored, humbled, and so very grateful for simply being considered for an award, but I simply do not have the time to return the favor. If I could, I'd award y'all with dozens of yummy cupcakes ;) Thanks for understanding.