
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

6 Month Blogoversary Giveaway!

Guess what is my 6 Month Blogoversary *happy dance*
I can't believe Word Spelunking is 6 months old today; they grow up so fast *sniffle* 
Of course running this blog wouldn't be nearly as fun without all of you awesome, fantabulous Cupcakes, so I want thank you all for continuing to follow my blog, reading my reviews, and for just being so durn splendiferious!!!
I'm currently planning next months March MG Madness Event and my 1000+ followers giveaway, but I didn't want this day to go by without celebrating 6 months of blogging and all of you, so I'm  holding this quickie giveaway...

Jennifer Armentrout
The last thing Dawson Black expected was Bethany Williams. As a Luxen, an alien life form on Earth, human girls are…well, fun. But since the Luxen have to keep their true identities a secret, falling for one would be insane. Dangerous. Tempting. Undeniable. 
Bethany can’t deny the immediate connection between her and Dawson. And even though boys aren’t a complication she wants, she can’t stay away from him. Still, whenever they lock eyes, she’s drawn in. Captivated. Lured. Loved. 
Dawson is keeping a secret that will change her existence...and put her life in jeopardy. But even he can’t stop risking everything for one human girl. Or from a fate that is as unavoidable as love itself.

I LOVED Jennifer Armentrout's Obsidian  and cannot wait for the sequel Onyx!!! But in the meantime, Jennifer has been awesome enough to give us readers Shadows, a prequel to the Lux Series. I have this novella waiting for me on my Kindle and am so excited to start reading it...AND I thought it would be the perfect prize in this quick giveaway!

I'm offering one ebook copy (Kindle or Nook) of Shadows
There will be one winner.
Open to anyone who can receive Kindle or Nook ebooks
Giveaway will run from 2/22 - 2/24 at 11:59pm ET
Fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter
  • Must be 13+ to enter
  • One main entry per person
  • Winner will be emailed and must claim prize within 48 hours

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. It would be a strawberry flavor cupcake and it would be call my strawberry and it will be a fun tale on how I eat the cup cake :D
    Thanks for the great giveaway!!!

  2. I could stick with my theme, I'd say brain-cake, made of brains. But that would be incredibly gross, unless of course, you were a zombie. Mmmmmmmmm brains!

    But aside from that, congrats on your 6 month anniversary!

  3. I'll stick with my genre and blog them and I'd do a vampire themed cupcake. Maybe red velvet with fangs on it. Cute! Or chocolate with a liquid strawberry filling like blood lol with a bite mark on it. Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. Boy, that's a hard question, but totally unique! I would make a mocha cupcake called Timless Mocha for Myra McEntire's Hourglass because Emerson adores coffee.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  5. Congrats on reaching six months. I'm a bit puzzled about Shadows, though. Went to download that for Kindle and it's not showing up. I'm Canadian so that may have something to do with it. Odd, though, since other books by Jennifer are available that way. I suppose I'll need to wait and see.

  6. I would make a yummy chocolate cupcake with chocolate chips in the batter and chocolate icing in honor of the Mercy Thompson series. I would wolf it down! lol! Thanks for the giveaway! Have a great day! :)

  7. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: Lemon cupcake with lemon frosting. Edible gold flakes on top. I would call it Felix Felicis.

  8. what a fun contest...thanks for havinggggggggggg it!

  9. I'd have a simple Vanilla with Dulce de Leche (YUMMM) and it would be in honor of probably my fave series vampire Academy, I'll make it withe with little molnija marks on it

    Awesome contest

  10. Could I just have an empty cupcake liner and call it a Hunger Games cupcake?

    How about a French Vanilla cupcake with a Hershey Kiss on top inspired by Anna and the French Kiss?

  11. Thank you for following my blog, Aeicha! You have such awesome blog. CONGRATS, 6 months blogoversary! You deserve every bit and pieces of awesomeness you have here!

    Hmmm I guess my cupcake would be full of sugar sprinkles, it'd pink and lovely. It's inspired from Bittersweet by Sarah Ockler. Thank you for the awesome giveaway! <3

  12. I would do a Bitterblue cupcake for Kristin Cashore's book. :) Something bittersweet as base w/ blue icing. :D

  13. My cupcakes would have blue icing on them and flower sprinkles on them in honour of Pure by Jennifer Armentrout. Her Covenant series is AMAZING! :)

  14. I would make a Chocolate Chip cupcake with butterscotch icing for Wanderlove by Kirsten Hubbard and call it "Wanderlove" cupcake. :)

  15. Wow this question is making me hungry lol. My cupcake would be inspired by Caged Moon by Rachel Deagan. It would be a chocolate base with red icing and I would name it Blood Moon.

  16. I would invent a cupcake somewhat like a Black Forest Cake - using all of the liqours and giving it a really nice icing...and I'd call it the Mercy Thompson cupcake- inspired by the entire series

  17. I would create a cupcake inspired by Iron Knight. I'm desperately in love with Prince Ash. It would be chocolate with blue peppermint flavored icing and blue sugar sprinkles on top that look like ice chips.
    Congrats on your blogaversary!!
    Come by & see me if you get a chance.

  18. Congrats for reaching your 6th month! :)

    If I'd be making a cupcake, it would be inspired by Before I Fall. Its flavor would be white chocolate with pink coating on top and an angel's sprinkled figure. I'd call it Heaven's Touch. :))

  19. Congrats on the 6 months. Mine is right around the corner too! I'm not entering since I already have Shadows. (and loved it!!) Just wanted to give some comment love!

  20. Happy blogversary!!! Thanks for the chance. Id do a mint chocolate chip in the shape of hogwarts and Id call it chocowarts.

  21. I would have to say I would make a Chocolate Cupcake with bright red raspberry filling based of the Morganville Vampire Series. I would call it, a Chocolate Blood Bag cupcake.

  22. Congrats! Has it really been 6 months already? Time flies when you're having tons of fun, doesn't it?! I would base my cupcake on Damon from The Vampire Diaries! It would be red velvet on the inside with lots of smooth, delicious sweet chocolate icing and would be called the Vampcake!

  23. I;d be inspired by Harry Potter and make a chocolate cupcake with a wizards hat on top and I would call it Magic-Cup!

  24. My cupcake would be inspired by Twilight. The cupcake itself would be white, and the frosting would be blood red, and it would be very sparkly!!

  25. My Unfair Godmother inspired cupcake. It would be red velvet (leaning on the pink side) with pink frosting on top and sunglasses and a stick for a wand.It would be called fairy cool! I know that kind of sucks!

  26. I would create a muffin inspired in The Hunger Games! It would be chocolate flavors with brown icing and the Mockingjay's shape on it! I would call it A Muffin for the Mockinjay.

  27. a french vanilla cupcake with white chocolate frosting. In the frosting big chunks of dark chocolate. It would be the 101th dalmation.

  28. Congratulations!!!

    I would be inspired by Vampire Mine by Kerrelyn Sparks. And my cupcake would be chocolate with a half chocolate and half peanut butter topping. I would call it Happy Endings.


  29. My cupcake would be called the Funky Faerie. It would be Red Velvet with cream cheese icing and the icing would be covered in the glittery sprinkles so they would look like they were covered in faerie dust. They'd be for my book, Elemental Reality.

  30. A yellow cake w/ chocolate chips and walnuts frosted with fudge icing. Kate's Treat for Kate Daniels of the series by the same name by Ilona Andrews.

    Chocolate chip cookies are mentioned in a story and this would be the cake version.

  31. Book - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Ronald Dahl (old fav, sorry!)
    Flavor - Vanilla with multiple colors, chocolate icing, and candy sprinkles.
    Name - The Candy Man

  32. Vanilla cupcake in the shape of a space ship. And it'd be covered in green frosting. Oh, and it's based off of A Million Suns.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  33. Ok this isn't a paranormal book but i read a great book the other day called Cowboy Heat by Sable Hunter so i'd have to pick an all chocolate cupcake, with chocolate icing & chocolate sprinkle - the main character was a sucker for chocolate :)
    Awesome giveaway - thank you :)
    Kel xx

  34. i would make a cupcake based on the uglies series. i would have some that are white (like perfection) with perfectly applied frosting in all kinds of elaborate patterns like the pretties/specials/extras would have. i would have another that was chocolate (like dirty) with frosting just applied plainly, like how the uglies are supposed to look, and not put any kind of patterns on them.

  35. I would make a cupcake based on The Gallagher Girls series by Ally Carter (love spies). They would be chocolate with pink icing and some sort of spy decoration on top. I would call them The Operatives Delight.

  36. I can't wait until Bitterblue by Kristin Cashore to come out this May, so I will create a blueberry, passion fruit flavoured cupcake. Obviously, Bitterblue will be the perfect name for it.

  37. I'd create a *dark* cupcake, inspired by Lauren Kate's Fallen novels. It'd be primarily blueberry-flavoured and dark blue in colour, with dark blue and black frosting swirled in unison...and lots and lots of little sparkly edible glitter on top with a pair of mini silver wings sprouting from each side! I call it the Luce-and-Daniel Fallen cupcake. Want one? (:

    Thank you for this giveaway! Your love for cupcakes is quite remarkable! I hope I get picked. Good luck everyone!! :D

  38. It will be dark chocolate with a spoon of cherry pie filling in the middle and a light blue icing in honor of Shadows :) Thank you for the fun and sharing the joy of your six month blogoversary with us.


Hey there cupcake! You look lovely today and I can tell you're thinking very smarticle thinky go ahead and post 'em!

After much thought and only recently being introduced to blog awards and blogger tagging, I'm going to have to declare this an award/tag free blog. I'm honored, humbled, and so very grateful for simply being considered for an award, but I simply do not have the time to return the favor. If I could, I'd award y'all with dozens of yummy cupcakes ;) Thanks for understanding.