
Friday, December 9, 2011

TGIF (9) and Feature and Follow Friday (15)

TGIF... is a weekly meme hosted by GReads to re-cap the week's posts and to propose a question for followers.

Book to Movie: Which book turn movie do you feel did the best adaptation? What about the worst?

I almost always try to read a book before its movie adaptation comes out! I've actually been introduced to some amazing books simply because I saw the trailer for its movie counterpart. And nothing elicits more excitement and anxiety than finding out one of your favorite books is being made into a movie right?!

The Good
I love ALL the Harry Potter movies and think they did an amazing job capturing the magic of this series...but, I do think the first two movies captured the complete essence of the books best. 
All three movie adaptations of the Lord of the Rings series are amazing! Beyond being stunning and spectacularly made, they're all pretty damn true to the series as a whole.
I love watching the Anne of Green Gables movies, especially the first two. The third? Not so much. Megan Follows was born to play Anne!
Yes, they changed the ending in the movie, but I never really cared when I was younger, nor do I now. I think the movie still brought this story to life beautifully and captured Sara Crewe so wonderfully.

As for the Not So Good...I was disappointed with the move adaptations of My Sister's Keeper,  A Series of Unfortunate Events, The Golden Compass, Pride and Prejudice (the Kiera Knightly version). 

Feature and Follow Friday... is a blog hop, hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read, that allows book bloggers to discover and connect with other book bloggers.
Today's featured blogs are:
Keeping Up With Roxy's Books and Anonymous Reads

Question: Keeping with the Spirit of Giving this season, what book do you think EVERYONE should read and if you could, you would buy it for all of your family and friends?

This is a tougher question than I thought it would be! Hmm, well I think my first answer will always be Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I truly wish I could place this book in the hands of every child around the world. The magic and beauty that begins in this book is something every child should get to experience. 
For older readers...I'd go with Of Human Bondage, Howl (and other poems), and Othello (everything you'd ever need to know about human nature can be found in this play, plus Iago is one of my fave villains).


Weekly Blog Recap
Obsidian by Jennifer Armentrout
The Jinx by D.F. Lamont
Titan Magic by Jodi Lamm
Author Interview
Paperback copy of TITAN MAGIC


  1. Othello is a great one!

    Old Follower
    Beth ^_^

  2. I agree with Harry Potter--can't wait until my kids are old enough to read the series! I really like your other recommendations as well, I went with different classics :)

    New follower--have a great weekend!

  3. Can never go wrong with suggesting Harry Potter! I love that you chose Othello! I'm a huge Shakespeare fangirl and I completely agree about your explanation of that play. I love Iago too! Old follower.

    Here's my FF:

  4. Harry Potter <3 And I loved A Little Princess, movie and book!

  5. Harry Potter will never get old for me...I'll still be rereading it when I'm 80 :) Great pick!!!

    Here's my FF!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Yes to Harry Potter and YESS to Shakespeare!

    Old follower :)

    Here's my FF:

  8. I promised a couple of fellow book bloggers I wouldn’t “machine gun” my Follow Friday posts on the blogs I visit but this week’s Follow Friday has inspired me to make an important exception.

    The book I think everyone should read is a work of non-fiction called The Four Hour Workweek. The thing is, the book is very well written and entertaining so it reads like a work of fiction. What the book can do to enhance your life and change the way you live day by day seems unbelievable on its face which might mark it a legitimate work of fiction for the skeptics out there.

    If you read this work of non-fiction and really follow the advice it gives and apply the insights you’ll gain, your life will read like a modern tale fairytale.

    I encourage, implore and even insist you follow me back to my book blog so you can find out why I think EVERYONE should read The Four Hour Workweek –


    Howard Sherman

  9. I think my book-to-movie answers would all be identical to yours. Anne of Green Gables never fails to make me cry. And A Little Princes? On my shelf, right now. I bought it because I loved it so much.

  10. I am going to give Harry Potter another try this winter. I promised a friend that I would.
    New follower through FF.
    My Follow Friday

  11. You're right Harry Potter is a great choice.

    old follower

    here is mine

  12. i totally agree with harry!!!!
    im not a new follower (sorta, follow before this post but not for very long!)

    here is mine!!!!


  13. New follower through feature and follow friday! I like your first question though, some other adaptations I thought were really good were The Help, and The Green Mile. Stop on by and check out my follow Friday here:

  14. Hopping through. I think Anne of Green Gables is one of the best book/movies. Except the third, I agree.
    My Hop

  15. UGH! Your blog makes me hungry!! And I have such a horrible sweet tooth ~ I need to go bake...

    Awesome choice on Harry Potter, and specifically Sorcerer's Stone. I'm a newer YA reader so I haven't read Harry yet but I'm starting soon b/c my son will be ready for them in a year or two. Might as well have them waiting for him ;)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm a new follower now...

  16. I haven't read the Unfortunate Events books but I wondered after seeing the movie how true to the books it was! It's really a bummer when they don't turn out good.

    April @ My Shelf Confessions

  17. I LOVED Anne of Green Gables!! You are so right. That lady was born to play Anne, and I could watch her and Gilbert all day. *Sigh* Obviously, HP and LoTR goes without saying. They were fantastic :)
    Following you,
    Ninja Girl

  18. OH I LOVE A LITTLE PRINCESS! I haven't actually read the book though so I had no idea the ending was different.


Hey there cupcake! You look lovely today and I can tell you're thinking very smarticle thinky go ahead and post 'em!

After much thought and only recently being introduced to blog awards and blogger tagging, I'm going to have to declare this an award/tag free blog. I'm honored, humbled, and so very grateful for simply being considered for an award, but I simply do not have the time to return the favor. If I could, I'd award y'all with dozens of yummy cupcakes ;) Thanks for understanding.