
Sunday, December 11, 2011

eARC Review: REVEAL (Brina Courtney)

The REVEAL Blog Tour is stopping here today with a review and eARC giveaway! And next week, on the 17th, author Brina Courtney will be stopping by for an interview.
For full tour schedule and info please stop by Brina's blog

TITLE: Reveal                                     SERIES: Cryptid Tales #1
AUTHOR: Brina Courtney                PUB DATE: 12/16/11
FORMAT: eARC                                 
SOURCE: from author in exchange for honest review

Shay Tafford is not normal. Being a cryptid is not normal. Seeing ghosts is not normal. Her father’s disappearance is not normal. Lucky for Shay, Hugh isn't normal either. So when he enters her life through her dead best friend Shay knows he may be her only chance at a normal life. A life she is desperately searching for.

THREE WORDS: Gripping. Original. Intriguing

MY REVIEW: Brina Courtney’s REVEAL offers an intriguing and smart blend of sci-fi, the paranormal, and romance. As a debut novel, it is quite impressive.

            MY BRIEF SUMMARY
High school senior Shay can see, hear, and speak to ghosts. A secret she has revealed to no one. But ghosts aren’t the only thing that haunts her. Her father’s mysterious and sudden disappearance years earlier has left her with big questions. After meeting Mr. Tall, Dark , and Handsome himself, Hugh, Shay begins to learn things about who or what she is that she never believed possible. With a dark enemy approaching, Shay must quickly learn to harness and use her abilities.

REVEAL has a very original and innovative premise. I’ve never read a book about cryptids-paranormal beings with animal-like traits- before and Courtney’s take on this idea really drew me in and fascinated me. REVEAL is a quick and gripping read. I read it in one sitting, not wanting to put it down chapter after chapter because I simply had to find out what happened next.

The paranormal elements are exciting and, while not original in themselves, Courtney has definitely added her own refreshing spin to them. The sci-fi elements are smart and intriguing, and Courtney has clearly done her research in order to present these elements as accurately and realistically as possible.

I found myself easily caught up in Shay’s story and the book had me captivated beginning to end. However, the pacing didn’t seem entirely balanced throughout the novel. At times it flowed nicely and at other times it either dragged a bit or moved too fast. The timeframe, or how much time passed between events or chapters, wasn’t always made clear and I found myself confused at times by this.  But overall I didn’t find this overly distracting.

As I stated above, the sci-elements are innovative, yet realistic. For the most part, Courtney presents these elements with intelligence and explains them thoroughly. I do, however, feel like there were some explanations or sci-fi elements that felt forced or were presented without reasoning. Of course, this is only the first book in a series, so these things may be further explained in future books.

Courtney does an excellent job of building up suspense and intrigue, while at the same time focusing on the emotional drive and state of her characters. And while the paranormal and sci-elements are a dominating force in this book, it also has a really great emotional charge as well. Courtney has created a very realistic and moving portrayal of a family dealing with a devastating loss.

The ending will leave you with your mouth agape and wanting the next book RIGHT NOW.

The characters in this book are overall pretty likable. You get to know the characters pretty well and I found them interesting. However, I do think they could use a bit more development and layers.

I like that Shay is neither terribly stereotypical nor overly unique. Yes, she can communicate with ghosts, but Courtney has not gone the clichéd and easy route of making Shay a social outcast or deemed as “goth”. For the most part, Shay is “normal” or average, which is not a bad thing at all. I actually really like the contrast between how normal she is as a person compared to how abnormal her abilities are. She’s a smart, realistic teenage character. I did like her a great deal, yet I had a hard time really connecting with her though. Even with the amount of information she learned and the obstacles she was faced with, I don’t feel as if she really grew or evolved as a character…at least not yet.

Hugh makes for an interesting enough romantic counterpart to Shay, and I liked that there was more to him than simply being Shay’s love interest. I found Hugh equal parts swoon-worthy and frustrating. There’s an awkwardness to his character that is less endearing and more, well awkward. But, I do think there’s plenty of room for him to evolve as a character.

There are a few likable minor characters, such as Shay’s friends Olivia (human) and Jeremy (ghost); Hugh’s mom; and Shay’s brother, creating a well-rounded cast of characters.

The romance between Shay and Hugh plays an important role in REVEAL. For the most part, I enjoyed and rooted for this romance. There’s a sweetness to this first love, but also an enticing and hot chemistry between the two as well.

I do think the relationship developed a bit too fast for my liking. I’m not a fan of insta –love, and while this relationship is not quite  as instant as insta-love romances tend to be, it did progress quickly. I would have liked to see bit more falling in love and relationship development.  
But it is a relationship that has the potential to be epic and grand.

MY FINAL THOUGHTS: REVEAL is an impressive debut from Brina Courtney. It has its issues and areas that could use improvement, but overall it offers a captivating, creative and enjoyable read.
You can learn more about and connect with Brina Courtney here:
You can purchase this book here:

Brina is offering one (1) eARC (an ebook copy) of REVEAL for this giveaway.
Remember you do not need an e-reader to read ebooks because Amazon has several apps that allow you to read ebooks on your PC, iPad, phone, etc.
This giveaway will run from 12/11 - 12/16 at 11:59pm
To enter simply fill out the Rafflecopter form below
If form doesn't appear please refresh page or click on post title and enter through the actual post

  • Must be 13 or older to enter
  • One main entry per person
  • Winner will be notified by email and must reply back within 48 hours or a new winner will be chosen


  1. Good review!
    Though I'm also not a great fan of fast love the book still sounds interesting to me!

  2. I hope there will be more character development in the next book! I like to connect with the main characters as well or I just can't get into it!

  3. Hi ladies!

    @Sarah there is definitely some fast love in my story, but I know a lot of high school girls and trust me you'd be amazed how fast they fall in love! Haha!

    @Kelly there is a lot more to come for Shay and Hugh, their lives (and characters) will develop with time.

    @Steph thanks!

    I really appreciate your comments! Have a great day :D

  4. Great review. This sounds like a really interesting book. Thanks for the chance to win. :)


Hey there cupcake! You look lovely today and I can tell you're thinking very smarticle thinky go ahead and post 'em!

After much thought and only recently being introduced to blog awards and blogger tagging, I'm going to have to declare this an award/tag free blog. I'm honored, humbled, and so very grateful for simply being considered for an award, but I simply do not have the time to return the favor. If I could, I'd award y'all with dozens of yummy cupcakes ;) Thanks for understanding.