
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Review/Giveaway: Zombies at the Door, Planning for the Ineveitable ~5 Cupcakes~

I had the pleasure of reviewing Charles M. Pulsipher's other awesome book, The Crystal Bridge, and conducting an interview with him as well. You can read my review and interview HERE
Make sure to enter to win Zombies at the Door, Planning on the Inevitable below my review

TITLE: Zombies at the Door, Planning for the Inevitable
AUTHOR: Charles M. Pulsipher
PUB. DATE: Aug. 18, 2011
FORMAT: Kindle ebook
SOURCE: bought
Zombies at the Door, Planning for the Inevitable
We all know it can happen, will happen. Be prepared and have a laugh at the same time. This basic manual will make sure you are ready to face the zombie hordes and walk you through where to meet, find weapons and food, and set up camp. It may even give you hope as you huddle in the bathroom stall at the mall.
Seriously though, don't go to the mall!
Learn the glow stick technique to distract zombies or how a paper bag might save your life or at least keep you from seeing the bitey end that's coming. Are dentist offices safe? Can the game of baseball stop the zombies from attacking? Is petroleum jelly something you should have in your zombie kit? Find out now

THREE WORDS: Funny. Informative. Useful (and NO, informative does not always equate with useful, but in this case it totally does)

MY BRIEF REVIEW: We’ve all been there, at a party; dinner; gathering; book club meeting, and the topic of the inevitable Zombie Apocalypse has come up (I use the word inevitable because hundreds of movies, tv shows, books, video games, theorists, historians, geeks, and nerds can’t ALL be wrong right…right?!). I know my family has lively discussions about what we’d do if faced with an apocalyptic event at least once a week (I kid you not).

 And admit it, we ALL have thought about what we’d do if the ZA (short for Zombie Apocalypse, duh) started tomorrow and we ALL have a plan. They might not all be good plans, but they’re plans nonetheless. Now, I want you to take a moment and think about the plan you’ve come up with, all the details about where you’d go, what you’d bring, what you’d do…can you visualize the plan? Good! Now, I want you to toss that plan aside and read Charles Pulsipher’s Zombies At The Door, Planning for the Inevitable.

In this incredibly funny, smart guide Pulsipher maps out exactly what a person needs to do in order to survive when zombies come a’zomby’ingß in the words of Pulsipher himself-“It’s a word, I swear!”.

 Pulsipher has created a straightforward, well thought out plan that will have you LOL’ing and will probably safe your life someday. All the most important bases are covered- Where To Go, What To Bring, Weapons, Zombie Anatomy-and, really, this is a guide that would work in any apocalyptic or catastrophic event.

You’ll learn priceless and must-know information such as:
·         Screaming = Bacon
·         Don’t go the mall
·         Swords are awesome (not just when zombies are around, but all the time)
·         Seriously, don’t go to the mall
·         The higher up you can get, the better
·         Baseball is boring
·         Zombies no likey fire… or in Zombiese- Brains good. Fire bad.
·         DO. NOT. GO. TO. THE. MALL!!!!

MY FINAL THOUGHTS: Zombies at the Door, Planning for the Inevitable is a humorous, highly entertaining read. It’s laugh out loud funny and informative at the same time, which is about as rare as a vegetarian zombie. If you’re looking for a great book to add to your Incase Of A insert your most feared/expected/longed for (weirdo) Apocalypse/Natural Disaster/Catastrophic Event Kit or simply looking for an awesome, super quick read, then this book is for you. A MUST read!

You can learn more about and connect with Charles M. Pulsipher here: 
You can purchase this book here:

Charles Pulsipher has kindly offered one (1) Paperback or Ebook copy (winner's choice ) of his book Zombies at the Door, Planning for the Inevitable.
To enter simply fill out the Rafflecopter form below.
Giveaway will run 11/29 - 12/7 at 11:59pm
  • Must be 13 or older to enter
  • Open internationally
  • One main entry per person
  • Winner will be notified by email and must claim prize within 48 hours or new winner will be chosen
  • Word Spelunking is NOT responsible for lost or damaged prizes as they are not coming from me
***If the Rafflecopter form does not show up below make sure you click on the post title at the top and enter through the actual post :) ***


  1. I friended you on Goodreads but the rafflecopter keeps saying oops we mezzed it up please try again

    Any zombie book I am in :D


  2. Screaming = bacon. Cracking me up.

    Amy @


Hey there cupcake! You look lovely today and I can tell you're thinking very smarticle thinky go ahead and post 'em!

After much thought and only recently being introduced to blog awards and blogger tagging, I'm going to have to declare this an award/tag free blog. I'm honored, humbled, and so very grateful for simply being considered for an award, but I simply do not have the time to return the favor. If I could, I'd award y'all with dozens of yummy cupcakes ;) Thanks for understanding.