
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Picture Book Review: This Is My Dollhouse, 101 Reasons Why I'm Not Taking A Bath, Who's the Grossest of Them All, Periwinkle's Journey

I have four picture books to share with y'all today...

*I received copies of each book for review purposes

by Giselle Potter
May 10, 2016
Random House  
A young girl makes her own dollhouse in this picture book that celebrates creativity and imagination!
A little girl proudly walks the reader through her handmade dollhouse, pointing out the bricks she painted on the outside, the wallpaper she drew on the inside, the fancy clothes she made for her dolls, and the little elevator she made out of a paper cup. She's proud of her house and loves using her imagination to play with it. But her friend Sophie loves her own, store-bought "perfect" house, where everything matches and there’s even a toilet seat that goes up and down. What will Sophie say when she sees her the cardboard house.
Children will want to make a dollhouse of their own after reading this sweet story, and instructions on the inside cover show them exactly how to!

This Is My Dollhouse is a sweet and charming story about one little girl's creative and wonderful homemade dollhouse! Little readers will love the vintage-like illustrations and will be inspired to make their own special dollhouses!
by Stacy McAnulty, illus. by Joy Ang
July 26, 2016
Random House  
Need to get out of your bath-time obligations? Here's a book of kid-tested excuses.
No one likes bath time, but who wants to take a bath in the summer?! When there's stuff to do?! Plus, baths are super dangerous for a number of reasons. You want me to list a few? Most household accidents happen in the bathroom. Scientific fact! A kid in Texas turned into a prune after taking a bath. Scientific fact!
If you need more evidence, allow me to point you to an excellent book called 101 Reasons Why I'm Not Taking a Bath. It's full of insightful and logical reasons why you should definitely not be subjected to this useless ritual. Joy Ang and Stacy McAnulty really understand how stupid baths are, and have done a top-notch job at demonstrating why.

What kid has never refused to take a bath? Well, the little boy in 101 Reasons Why I'm Not Taking A Bath has 101 super funny, outrageous, and entertaining reasons why a bath just isn't a good idea. Your little readers will be tickled by the hilarious text and delighted by the lively pictures.
by Susan McElroy, illus. by Jake Parker
August 9, 2016
Random House  
The Three Billy Goats Gruff meets Walter the Farting Dog in this irresistibly kid-friendly read-aloud picture book that has the flavor of a classic nursery tale but with a huge surprise gross-out factor that will leave kids howling with laughter!
Goblin is proud to say that, without a doubt, he is the most horrible creature in the forest. But then he meets Troll, who begs to differ—how could anyone be more horrible than he is! As the two decide to ask passersby for their opinions, a terrified man chooses Troll, but then a petrified woman opts for Goblin. When a little girl in a red hooded cape skips by, Troll and Goblin agree that she should make the final call. The winner? Read to find out—you won't believe who it is!

Tickle your funny-bone humor, engaging illustrations, and wildly silly characters make Who's the Grossest of Them All a wacky fun read that will have little readers hooting with laughter.

By Judy Petersen-Fleming and Suzy Spafford
Sept. 2016
Blue Sneaker Press
Periwinkle has lived her whole life in Australia, surrounded by other blue penguins just like her. However, when she gets an invitation to her cousin Crystal’s birthday party in Antarctica, she realizes she looks different than the rest of her black-and-white cousins. With some encouragement from her mother, who tells her “it’s what’s inside that matters”, Periwinkle sets out on an adventure to Antarctica to meet the rest of her family and learns to appreciate what makes her unique along the way.

Children will want to cuddle up with the adorable animals depicted in Spafford’s full-color illustrations, from penguins to koalas to albatrosses to whales, as they read this entertaining and educational tale. Young readers will learn about the 17 types of penguins, illustrated by Periwinkle’s numerous cousins, as well as discover fun facts such as their inability to fly, penchant for rock collecting, and variety of habitats from Australia to Antarctica to the Galápagos (but not the North Pole, where the polar bears live!). Periwinkle makes many new friends on her journey to the South Pole, and along the way discovers the depths of her own bravery as well as the important truth that what makes us different also makes us special.

Perwinkle's Journey tells the tale of one adorable little blue penguin's unforgettable journey. Full of heart, colorful and wonderfully exciting illustrations, and the cutest animal characters around, this picture book will delight and dazzle little readers!

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Hey there cupcake! You look lovely today and I can tell you're thinking very smarticle thinky go ahead and post 'em!

After much thought and only recently being introduced to blog awards and blogger tagging, I'm going to have to declare this an award/tag free blog. I'm honored, humbled, and so very grateful for simply being considered for an award, but I simply do not have the time to return the favor. If I could, I'd award y'all with dozens of yummy cupcakes ;) Thanks for understanding.