
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Book Spotlight {Excerpt and Giveaway}-- Becoming Brigid by Lisa Shafer

I'm excited to be spotlighting Lisa Shafer's YA book, Becoming Brigid, today! Below you can reaad an excerpt and enter the awesome giveaway...

Becoming Brigid
by Lisa Shafer

Pepper Kircy has definite plans for her future. And she thinks she knows everything about her life -- at least until she meets Dougal, a man with way too much information about a past she doesn’t remember. Suddenly, her geeky, ghost-hunting dad and her mortician neighbors aren’t quite as ordinary as they seem. But then, neither is Pepper. 

Dougal’s tempting. He quotes poetry and insists on calling Pepper by the name she never uses: Brigid. Soon, she can’t get him out of her dreams. So, in spite of all his weird talk about a missing goddess and a long-lost stone, she could really like this guy. Maybe even enough to change her precious plans. 

If he'd just stop trying to kill her....

from Chapter One of Becoming Brigid

“Dad,” I said, poking at the cracked, orange-and-green plastic blinds under the table, “has it ever occurred to you that the term ‘ghost town’ might not be literal?  That there might not actually be ghosts here?”

“Just a minute, honey,” he called from behind the broken door.  “I’m picking up some really high EMF levels.”

I kicked a tumbleweed across the patterned carpet -- which must’ve clashed horribly with the blinds when they were still hanging in the window -- and went into the next room.  It was a kitchen.  Or it had once been one, anyway.  Now it was mostly just a mess; beer cans, old silverware, and chunks of plaster from the water-damaged ceiling lay strewn all over the peeling linoleum floor, and cabinets and drawers gaped open like mouths.

Dad was waving his electromagnetic meter -- a gadget that looked like a black-and-orange deodorant stick embarrassingly emblazoned with “The Ghost Meter” across the front -- along the edges of a refrigerator.  His eyebrows were all crunched up in concentration, and he was smoothing the ends of his mustache with his free hand, leaving it streaked with tiny bits of white plaster.

“Dad --”

“In a minute, Pepper.”

“Dad, it’s an old appliance.  It’s probably leaking all kinds of chemicals and radioactive crap into the air.  But it’s not a haunted fridge; trust me.”

Dad didn’t say anything.  He didn’t even look at me.  He just took a pencil and notebook out of his shirt pocket and began writing about his fantastic discovery of an electric fridge.

I sighed and went back through the office room, where the walls had been graffitied with hundreds of white handprints and spray-painted phrases like “Be aware: I will haunt you” and “I died here.”  It’d be tons easier to find evidence of drug use in this place than of any supernatural phenomena.  Honestly, what kind of ghost goes tagging in old motels?

Lisa Shafer is a Utah native and a writer of young adult fiction. Her current novels are all paranormal fiction, but her newest short story collection is steampunk, and she is working on a new steampunk novel as well. As she has spent so many years teaching puberty-ridden adolescents, she tends to prefer first person POV in order to use teens' perspectives on the world. Or, possibly, she never really grew up and tends to see the world that way naturally.
When she is not grading her students' papers, reading, or writing, Ms. Shafer enjoys traveling. Her bad habits include staying up way too late at night to read and eating way too much chocolate.

Win a signed copy or ebook copy of Becoming Brigid!
Lisa has generously offered up two prizes: one signed physical copy and one ebook.
There will be two winners: 
-One US/CAN/UK/Ireland winner will get the paperback copy
-One INT winner will get the ebook copy
-will end 1/23
-must be 13+, one main entry per person
-winners will be emailed and must claim prize within 48 hours
-Word Spelunking is NOT responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen prizes
Fill out the Rafflecopter form:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hey, this looks great!
    Sorry I didn't drop by earlier. I've picked up a flu bug, and I'm not too spunky today.
    Thanks for the spotlight!

  2. I always like finding new authors and books. Thanks for the giveaway!
    Dede at savingsinseconds

  3. Wow! You're very thorough! Thanks for the great giveaway! I hope the word gets out and you have lots of entries... well, the nice part of me hopes that. The other part of me says BETTER ODDS OF WINNING! :-) (Just kidding ... sort of...)

  4. My congrats to the winners, Andrea and Sweet Sindy! For those who didn't win, I do have other contests going on over on my blog. Check them out here:

  5. I really liked your Information. Keep up the good work. Custom Books for Kids


Hey there cupcake! You look lovely today and I can tell you're thinking very smarticle thinky go ahead and post 'em!

After much thought and only recently being introduced to blog awards and blogger tagging, I'm going to have to declare this an award/tag free blog. I'm honored, humbled, and so very grateful for simply being considered for an award, but I simply do not have the time to return the favor. If I could, I'd award y'all with dozens of yummy cupcakes ;) Thanks for understanding.