
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Sweet Legacy Blitz {Interview Q With Tera Lynn Childs and Giveaway}

I am SO excited to be participating in the Sweet Legacy Blitz today! Sweet Legacy is the third book in Tera Lynn Childs' Medusa Girls series AND it releases today. This is one of my most favorite series and I always love talking about. Below you'll find more info about the book and series, my one awesome Q&A with Tera, and a fabby fab giveaway...

Sweet Legacy
(Medusa Girls #3)
by Tera Lynn Childs
Kaherine Tegen Books
September 3, 2013

Greer has always known she was privileged, though she had no idea how special her second sight made her, even among her triplet monster-fighting sisters. But when a god starts playing with her mind, can Greer step up in her pretty high heels to prevent anything from stopping her sisters’ mission?
Grace loves her adopted brother, Thane, but now that he’s back and has joined her sisters’ team, it’s clear his past is full of dark mysteries. She wants to trust him, but will Thane’s secret put the girls in even more danger?
Gretchen knows she can rely on her sisters to help her stop the monsters. But after getting to know some of the beasties in the abyss, she finds her role as a huntress comes with more responsibility than she ever imagined. How can she know what her birthright demands of her now?
The girls cannot hesitate as they seek the location of the lost door between the realms, even as monsters and gods descend on San Francisco in battle-ready droves. In this exciting conclusion to the Sweet Venom trilogy, these teenage heirs of Medusa must seek the truth, answer the ancient riddles, and claim their immortal legacy.

Other books in the series
(click covers to read my reviews)

I got to ask Tera ONE questions, so of course I asked about something super important: cupcakes!!!

MY Q: Sweet Legacy is the final book in this series and endings are always bittersweet, so I have a question that's all sweet with zero bitterness...if you were to create and bake a cupcake inspired by Sweet Legacy, or the series as a whole, what would it look and taste like, and what would you call it?

TERA'S A: Oooh, I love this question. (Also, it makes me hungry.) If Sweet Legacy were a cupcake, it would be a rich, dark chocolate, devil’s food cake topped with sweet orange buttercream frosting and a few curls of candied orange peel. Dark chocolate because this is the most dangerous book in the series. Sweet frosting because the triplets are a force for food. Orange peel because there is a bitter bite to the story. And, of course, it would be vegan.

Tera Lynn Childs
Tera Lynn Childs is the award-winning author of the mythology-based Oh. My. Gods. and Goddess Boot Camp, the mermaid tales Forgive My Fins, Fins Are Forever and Just For Fins, and a new trilogy about monster-hunting descendants of Medusa that includes Sweet Venom, Sweet Shadows, and Sweet Legacy (September 3, 2013). She has two new e-novellas coming soon, Goddess In Time (November 2013) and Pretty In Pearls (January 2014). She has also e-published two fun chick lit romances, Eye Candy and Straight Stalk. Tera lives nowhere in particular and spends her time writing wherever she can find a comfy chair and a steady stream of caffeinated beverages.

Win some fabby fab books in this blitz wide giveaway!

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Hey there cupcake! You look lovely today and I can tell you're thinking very smarticle thinky go ahead and post 'em!

After much thought and only recently being introduced to blog awards and blogger tagging, I'm going to have to declare this an award/tag free blog. I'm honored, humbled, and so very grateful for simply being considered for an award, but I simply do not have the time to return the favor. If I could, I'd award y'all with dozens of yummy cupcakes ;) Thanks for understanding.