
Friday, July 13, 2012

A Most Unfortunate Giveaway!

Dire Day is finally upon us and books are dropping all over!
 (I do hope you have an umbrella)

The Bad Beginning (A Series of Unfortunate Events #1)
Dear Reader, 
I'm sorry to say that the book you are holding in your hands is extremely unpleasant. It tells an unhappy tale about three very unlucky children. Even though they are charming and clever, the Baudelaire siblings lead lives filled with misery and woe. From the very first page of this book when the children are at the beach and receive terrible news, continuing on through the entire story, disaster lurks at their heels. One might say they are magnets for misfortune.
In this short book alone, the three youngsters encounter a greedy and repulsive villain, itchy clothing, a disastrous fire, a plot to steal their fortune, and cold porridge for breakfast.
It is my sad duty to write down these unpleasant tales, but there is nothing stopping you from putting this book down at once and reading something happy, if you prefer that sort of thing. 
With all due respect,
Lemony Snicket

If no books have fallen where you live then count yourself lucky...but if for some reason you insist on wanting your very own copy of this most dreadful and ghastly book about sad orphans who encounter horrifying villains and embark on a rather miserable adventure, then who am I to stop you from entering this most unfortunate giveaway...but don't say I never warned you *sigh*

Win 2 brand new copies of Lemony Snicket's The Bad Beginning and a Dire Day tote bag!!!
I'm giving away two copies each to two winners: one for you and one to give away...misery does love company, after all.
Plus each winner will get a nifty Dire Day tote bag.

-There will be two winners who will each win 2 books and a tote bag
-Giveaway will run from 7/13 - 7/20
-Must be a GFC follower
Fill out Rafflecopter form to enter
  • One main entry per person
  • Must be 13+ to enter
  • Winners will be emailed and must claim prize within 48 hours
  • I am NOT responsible for lost, damaged or stolen prizes
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Look for my full Dire Day recap in a few days.
And join the misery on Twitter using the hastag #DireDay


  1. I would give one to my nephew I loved reading these in school and I think he would too!

  2. I would give the other copy to one of my friends. Most likely one that doesn't like to read. Maybe Lemony Snicket will convince them that reading is fun. If they don't want it then I'll pass it on to my library.

  3. I would give it to my best friend who I got into the books :)

  4. I'll would be giving away copy on my blog "The Romance Bookie" :)

  5. I would give it to my friend Rachel who is also a soon-to-be English teacher. :)

  6. I would give the extra copy to my sister to share the misery... and she will prob pass it on to her sis'n'law who will pass it on to her sister and so on ;) We have a large family who loves to share miserable books!

  7. One book is torturous enough, two times the misfortune are certainly not what I would want in my household. I would very fastly deliver a copy to my Aunt Mildred whom I've never met that decided to pay my house a visit just this morning and keeps eyeing my mother's jewelry with a peculiar glint in her eye.

  8. Besides entering this giveaway which will ultimately will result in extreme misfortune for myself, the only other unpleasantness that has occurred today include a very ferocious dog, vinegar flavored doughnuts, and boisterous man named Hank.

  9. I would give the extra copy to my neighbors son I think. He is 12 and loves to read. I love giving books to him.

  10. I would give the other copy to my younger brother. Thanks for the chance to win!

  11. My sons school library will be getting a Dire Day indeed.

  12. Well, although I do not wish to pass the dire misfortune on to others fortunate enough not to have entered this giveaway, I would probably share the other book with a younger friend of mine, named Amber.

  13. I absolutely love this! I will be passing this on to my children.
    Lauren @ Mommabears Book Blog

  14. I would pass one on to my best friend who also loves reading!

  15. My friend she loves this series

  16. I would pass a copy along to my best friend, misery does love company.

  17. When will the unlucky winners be announced?


Hey there cupcake! You look lovely today and I can tell you're thinking very smarticle thinky go ahead and post 'em!

After much thought and only recently being introduced to blog awards and blogger tagging, I'm going to have to declare this an award/tag free blog. I'm honored, humbled, and so very grateful for simply being considered for an award, but I simply do not have the time to return the favor. If I could, I'd award y'all with dozens of yummy cupcakes ;) Thanks for understanding.