
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Interview and Signed Book Giveaway

I recently had the pleasure of reviewing The Enchantment of Abigail Brown- you can read my review HERE-and was delighted when author Mark Waters agreed to an interview. So I hope you enjoy getting to know Mark and his book a little better and be sure to enter the giveaway below for a chance to win a Signed Hardcover copy.

Mark Waters was born in 1970, and has spent most of his life concocting stories, much to the amusement of family and friends. An engineer by trade, architecture and structure has always fascinated him, an influence that can be seen within the world of Nousidia. Over the past few years the written word has become an important part of his life, with several articles published in local magazines as a guest writer, until one Christmas morning when ‘The Nousidian Chronicles’ were born.‘The genre of fantasy fiction inspires the imagination, and allows the author, and then the reader, to escape into another world. This, along with the need to get this story out of my head, has resulted in the first of the Nousidian Chronicles saga: The Enchantment of Abigail Brown.’ Laughs Mark when asked why he decided to write a novel, ‘I am merely a simple story teller with a simple story to tell.’Mark has gained an international following through his Face book page and via his regular tweets of Twitter as TheNousidian and is currently working on the second book in the Nousidian Chronicles saga: The enlightenment of Abigail Brown.It’s all just a bit if fun …  MARK WATERS 2010 

Q. What three words best describe The Enchantment of Abigail Brown?

I would say one would definitely have to be magical, as Nousidia is a world of natural magic; another would be unique as the world of Nousidia is certainly that. I guess the last would be Rock Chic, I know that’s two, but it describes my heroine Abigail Brown to a tee!

Q. Where did the idea for this series come from?

My head … Seriously though, I sat at home one Christmas morning a good few years ago, waiting for my then wife to get out of bed. Looking out of the window at the rolling hills of Derbyshire, I started to think of how the world would be if we, as humans, worked with nature instead of destroying it. I took out my trusty laptop to write a few ideas down, and by lunchtime I had the basics of Abigail’s world.

Q. Are any of your characters based on real people? Do you have a favorite character?

Abby is loosely based off a friend’s daughter, with the majority of the others being inspired by my pets and the many unique individuals I’ve met along the way. As for a favourite character? Hmmm, I do enjoy writing about Bit and Bot, the royal gardeners, as they are mischievous like me.

Q. Can you tell us a bit about what’s to come in the rest of the series?

Well, that’s a BIG secret! The twelve books of the Nousidian Chronicles are the story of Abigail’s life, so naturally it will follow her growth within the real world of Nousidia. I have so many characters, plot-lines and ideas; the only thing I can guarantee is that it going to be quite a ride! As for what's to come: you'll just have to wait and see ...

Q. Have you always wanted to be a writer?

Always. I wrote my first real story at the tender age of eight: A murder mystery. I never really considered myself good enough to publish, so just wrote for the fun of it. Then the Nousidian Chronicles were born and I haven’t looked back since.

Q. You’re an engineer by trade, so has that had any influence on how or what you write?

I guess so. I’m used to thinking of how things are made and love period architecture, so yes, I think that influences the way in which I construct my worlds. One's experiences in life give a depth to the soul that permeates into everything one does ...

Q. If you could spend the day with one fictional character from any book, movie, or tv show who would it be?

Han Solo in Starwars – A new hope. This was the first movie I saw at the cinema when I was just seven years old. It opened my eyes to the possibilities of new worlds outside the hum-drum of everyday existence. Han Solo was the ultimate 'loveable rogue', and it would be one amazing adventure to spend a day in his world.

Q. If you could visit any fictional world, which would you visit? What would you do there?

I would like to visit Narnia and have dinner with Aslan and the beavers. Imagine the conversation ...

Q. Who’s your favorite literary villain…who do you just love to hate or hate to love?

It has to be Gollum from the Lord of the Rings. He is so sly and untrustworthy; the sort of traits I hate in people.

Q. What’s the one book you think everybody should read at least once in their life?

You mean apart from The Enchantment of Abigail Brown? I would recommend a book called The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield. Although this book is primarily an adventure story, I found it opened my eyes to the potential of understanding our world in a whole new way. Well worth a read.

Twelfth Realm Publishing has generously offered one (1) *SIGNED* Hardcover copy of The Enchantment of Abigail Brown for me to give away!
This giveaway is open internationally.
It will run from 12/14 - 12/22 at 11:59pm EST
To enter simply fill out the Rafflecopter form below.
If you have any issues with the new Rafflecopter form please let me know and just leave all your info in a comment below :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I've read your review and really interested in The Enchantment of Abigail Brown!!

  2. I loved the interview and I can't wait to read Enchanted! Than you for the giveaway!


  3. Hi, thanks for this GA :) The book seems nice, i realli like the cover! Hope this book will be translated here in Italy!

  4. This book is very nice, looks like a fairy tale.
    thanks for giveaway

  5. I liked your review. I wonder if my 11 year old who reads some novels would be able to handle it. It sounds different! I am ready for something a little different!

  6. Liked the review ^^
    Thanks for the giveaway
    Kara DiDomizio

  7. Thanks for the giveaway! I really liked the interview! Happy Holidays

  8. I would absolutely love to read "The Enchantment of Abigail Brown" thank you. It looks just wonderful.


  9. Luv MG novels. It's like I'm making up for being deprived in reading them while growing up. Hehe

    Hope I win. Would really luv to find out what happens to Abigail and her unique world. Thanks for this giveaway! ;)

  10. Looks like a fantastic book, and I definitely plan on reading it!

  11. I love how ideas come! Just waiting on a Christmas morning and the idea pops into your head. You never know when or where it will happen! Or about what.

  12. XD Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  13. Dont forget to add your giveaways to our book giveaway site - then goes on fb and twitter pages. And also our book blog group x

  14. oops meant to add that ive already added your giveaways upto today x

  15. Thanks for the chance to win this. Mark came to my local bookstore to do a signing and i really wanted to go but got called into work.

    Great interview questions. :D

  16. Looks like a great book and I'd love to read it. Thanks for running a fab giveaway.

  17. I have read your review and I am definitely looking forward to it !
    It's been a long time that no book really intrigues me as much as harry potter series :(


  18. the book looks very yummy and thanks for the giveaway

  19. looks like a fantastic book..hope i win :)

  20. Thank you so much for the giveaway! and for the chance to international fans! YAYYY!! Looking forward to read this book!

  21. This book sounds sooo good. Thank you for this chance! Fingers crossed! >_<


Hey there cupcake! You look lovely today and I can tell you're thinking very smarticle thinky go ahead and post 'em!

After much thought and only recently being introduced to blog awards and blogger tagging, I'm going to have to declare this an award/tag free blog. I'm honored, humbled, and so very grateful for simply being considered for an award, but I simply do not have the time to return the favor. If I could, I'd award y'all with dozens of yummy cupcakes ;) Thanks for understanding.