
Friday, November 11, 2011

Special Someone Saturday {6}

Special Someone a weekly Saturday meme hosted by Fishy over at The Reading Fish that gives readers a chance to gush about all the awesome book guys and gals they met that week!

You can participate too! Here are all the details from Miss Fishy:
~You can join me and gush over amazing people on your blogs :D
~ We can make this a follow blog hop, so people can jump post to post and visit your amazing blog!
~And lastly add the button (above) if you would like ! Or you can make your own !

You were just given the wish to take one Book character out of the Book, and place them in your life....Who would be that character, and what role would they play in your life?

Great question! I'd have to choose Anna from Kendare Blake's Anna Dressed in Blood. I just love this terrifying, lovely ghost girl. I was touched by her story and awed by her power!

I'd love to hunt other ghosts and fuglies with her. She'd be the best badass back up a ghost hunter could ask for ;)

1 comment:

  1. Once's good to know that you really liked this one.


Hey there cupcake! You look lovely today and I can tell you're thinking very smarticle thinky go ahead and post 'em!

After much thought and only recently being introduced to blog awards and blogger tagging, I'm going to have to declare this an award/tag free blog. I'm honored, humbled, and so very grateful for simply being considered for an award, but I simply do not have the time to return the favor. If I could, I'd award y'all with dozens of yummy cupcakes ;) Thanks for understanding.