
Friday, September 30, 2011


I'm excited to participate in and share with all of you a brand new Saturday meme...

Special Someone a weekly Saturday meme hosted by Fishy over at The Reading Fish that gives readers a chance to gush about all the awesome book guys and gals they met that week!

You can participate too! Here are all the details from Miss Fishy:
~You can join me and gush over amazing people on your blogs :D

~Just fill out the link on the bottom (over at The Reading Fish) :D
~ We can make this a follow blog hop, so people can jump post to post and visit your amazing blog!
~And lastly add the button (above) if you would like ! Or you can make your own !

Meme Kickoff Question of the Week
Who is your all time favorite character in the world? And why Him(Her)? ( And it would be awesome if you put a picture too, of what you think they look like!)

Eeek! This is a great question! But do I really have to pick only one character?! Ok, I'll try. Well let's see, I have MANY fave characters: Anne of Green Gables, Arya Stark and Jon Snow from A Song of Ice and Fire, Winnie Perry from Lauren Myracle's Winnie series, Fred and George Weasley, and the list could go on and on. BUT, my all time, absolute favorite character is....
Miss Hermione Jean Granger

To me, Hermione is one of the best developed, easily relatable, awesome characters ever! I love her intelligence, courage, compassion, unwavering loyalty, and determination. She is an incredibly positive role model for girls and truly an inspirational character. I want to go to Hogwarts so I can be 'Mione's BFF.

Of course in my head Hermione has always looked like the lovely and talented Emma Watson. Wanna know a secret? I have a HUGE crush on both Hermione and Emma ;) LOVE THEM


~Make sure you stop by The Reading Fish and join in the Special Someone fun!~


  1. I love Hermione almost as much as I adore Lucy; I just happened to discover Narnia first. :P Emma Watson is gorgeous and brilliant as well. I can't picture anyone else as Hermione.

  2. Thanks for taking part in Specail Someone Saturday!!! And i agree Hermione is amazing ! Can't wait who you will post for next week !

  3. Nice pick! Hermoine was always one of my favorites from Harry Potter too, and I definitely agree, I can't imagine anyone else as Hermoine other than Emma!


Hey there cupcake! You look lovely today and I can tell you're thinking very smarticle thinky go ahead and post 'em!

After much thought and only recently being introduced to blog awards and blogger tagging, I'm going to have to declare this an award/tag free blog. I'm honored, humbled, and so very grateful for simply being considered for an award, but I simply do not have the time to return the favor. If I could, I'd award y'all with dozens of yummy cupcakes ;) Thanks for understanding.