
Wednesday, August 24, 2011


First, I just wanna say a big THANK YOU to everyone who has welcomed me into the book blogging community, who as followed me, and who has entered my first giveaway. Y'all have made me a very happy girl and I wanna smoosh you all in hugs. Really, you all deserve big I want you to grab a family member/best friend/neighbor/stranger/cat/pillow/self and hug the heck outta I want you to pretend that person/animal/thing is me...just picture someone who is devastatingly good looking, with Disney Princess flowing hair (like Ariel's), and a smile as dazzling as a unicorn...can you picture them...ok good, now picture the complete opposite and you've got a good representation of hug, hug, hug and just know that I am hugging you back *proceeds to hug computer*

Now wasn't that just lovely my dear cupcakes? Ok, now onto much more much-ness...

I'm hoping to have two new book reviews up by Sunday. My review of Misfit should be up tomorrow and my review of Soulkeepers should be up by Sunday. On Friday, I will be reviewing and discussing a Lauren Myracle novel for my Flashback Friday post. So keep an eye out for those things.

Now some giveaway news!!!

Next week (probably Monday), I will be reviewing this book:

This is Released by Megan Duncan and the first book in her new series. I haven't started it yet, but the reviews all say its Uh-Mazing. Like serious, I haven't seen a bad review about it yet. I'm super excited to read and review it. Plus the author has awesomely and graciously offered to gift a free ebook copy of her book to one of you lucky ducks! The great thing about ebooks is that you don't have to have a Kindle to read them. You can download the ebook reader application for your PC, smartphone, ipod, ipad, etc and read ebooks on them. Cool right? So look for this review and giveaway next week!

I also recently won three signed bookplates from author Jackson Pearce, who is also very awesome and funny. She is the author of As You Wish, Sisters Red, and the newly released Sweetly. I am hoping to host a Jackson Pearce week on the blog in Sept. or October where I will review and givaway each of her books and the new bookplates I won. Sounds fun right?! I sure think so!

So there ya go- some hugs, some news, and some giveaway glimpses. And now my sweet cupcakes, I leave you with this:
Why? Does one really need a reason to share the dancing Patrick love?

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Hey there cupcake! You look lovely today and I can tell you're thinking very smarticle thinky go ahead and post 'em!

After much thought and only recently being introduced to blog awards and blogger tagging, I'm going to have to declare this an award/tag free blog. I'm honored, humbled, and so very grateful for simply being considered for an award, but I simply do not have the time to return the favor. If I could, I'd award y'all with dozens of yummy cupcakes ;) Thanks for understanding.