
Monday, May 30, 2016

Spotlight: Miraculous by Walter Rouzer

title: Miraculous
author: Walter Rouzer
release date: November 15, 2016
pub: Peak Wave Publishing
An Amazing Rags-To-Riches Story

Discover how a series of seemingly fantastical events, and a band of even more extraordinary creatures, including a blue whale named Rage, a Prince, a vengeance filled tiger named Zebu, her best friend Higgins, and pit bull, Brutus, help propel Hailee through an unforgettable life adventure, from the pits of utter despair, to a glorious future of power and admiration.

Most regarded her life as hopeless, but for Hailee, her life meant so much more. Where others saw tragedy, she saw hope. Even when she was held in captivity by the evil Miss Finch, her life was a journey meant to be explored.

Praise for Miraculous

An Exceptionally Well Written Story!
By Piaras, IndieReader
Wow! What can I say? This novel blew me away! This is the kind of book that I like to call a "buy once, read twice".
This absorbing and attention-grabbing work had me riveted from the beginning. The story flows from scene to scene effortlessly, and the author shows exceptional ability when it comes to storytelling.
The story had every element a good story should have. An interesting plot, attention to detail, but best of all fleshed out, well-written and well-rounded character development. There’s an abundance of well illustrated scenes that really make you feel like you are right there in the story, and that's something I really look for in a good book.
It’s one of those rare stories that come along once in a while that makes you want to read it non-stop until you get to the end. I’m giving nothing away here. And this, I hope, will only add to the mystery!

Teaches  empathy for other's who are less fortunate and as well as for animals.


Miraculous is Miraculous
Trifives, IndieReader
A wonderful book and an inspiration to everyone who reads it. A beautiful written story about a young lady whose life could have been tragic but she would not allow that to happen. This book is Miraculous! I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to be inspired, entertained and just want to read a great book.


Keep the faith...
By Dolores Ayotte
This well-written story full of learning opportunities that are sure to grab at the heartstrings of the reading audience. He succeeds in stressing the need for more love, compassion, empathy, and forgiveness for humankind as well as showing more consideration for the plight of the animal kingdom.

Walter was not always a writer, but his love of adventure novels began when he was very young.

He was born with a deep and profound love of nature. His mother rocked his cradle, but Mother Nature rocked his mind. Although he was raised in a large metropolitan city, at every every opportunity he would venture off exploring mountains, lakes, oceans and islands in a never ending quest for new discoveries.

Rouzer studied environmental resources and social work in college. Before becoming a writer he wanted to be a naturalist and a social worker. While in college he took classes in plant, soil, animal husbandry and other bio-earth sciences as well as studies in the field of sociology. He had fond memories tutoring inner-city kids as part of his off campus training. It was a fulfilling experience having the opportunity to make a positive difference in kid's lives.