Current Giveaways

Word Spelunking’s temporary hiatus is now permanent. All requests are closed and there will be no new content. Thank you to everyone I’ve worked with and everyone who has read and supported this blog. Y’all are awesome!!

Aeicha @ Word Spelunking

Monday, February 6, 2012

Follower Love Giveaway Hop

Welcome to my stop on the Follower Love Giveaway Hop!
This hop is hosted by the wonderful Kathy at I Am a Reader, Not A Writer and Rachael Reene Anderson

I'm super excited for this giveaway because it's all about follower love and I LOVE LOVE LOVE all of my awesome, fantabulous Cupcakes! For this giveaway I wanted to offer something special to show my gratitude and love for all my followers and I think I've got something pretty cool to give away...

The very talented Abby at chezfrancais makes the cutest mini book charms jewelry.

Here are some pictures of her spectacular creations:

How awesome, right?!


For this giveaway I am offering the winner one (1) custom mini book charm necklace made by Abby!
The winner will be able to choose ANY one book they'd like made into a mini book charm. Abby will make a mini book charm replica of ANY book of the winner's choosing and create a one of a kind necklace for them. Pretty sweet, uh?!

Giveaway will run from 2/7 -2/14 at 11:59pm ET
There will be one winner
Fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter
  • Must be 13+ to enter
  • Must be a GFC Follower
  • One main entry person
  • Open Int
  • Winner will be emailed and must claim prize within 48 hours
  • I am NOT responsible for damaged or lost prizes in the mail

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Be sure to hop along to all the other participating blogs


Gi-Gi said...

I could choose a book to be made into a mini book charm I'd choose The Uglies series :D

Oh! Paper Pages said...

Pride and Prejudice! Great giveaway!

Ellz said...

I think I would choose Dust of 100 dogs by AS King.

manda-rae said...

Probably Starcrossed!

pandalovesyou said...

How do you pick? Twilight, maybe? I'd have to think on it!

Taneika said...

Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone (UK Edition) :) great giveaway!!

ephrielle said...

Partials by Dan Wells

Rebecca (RivkaBelle) said...

Oh man, this is a great giveaway...Book I'd have made into charm...I'm thinking...East by Edith Pattou, maybe. There are so many that would look awesome, but that one's got a special place in my heart :o)

Tiffany Holme said...

Tangled Tides- Karen Hooper

Thank you so much for this giveaway!!

Misty said...

Thanks for the amazing giveaway! I would choose either Nightshade by Andrea Cremer, Existence by Abbi Glines, or Unearthly by Cynthia Hand. All beautiful covers and books I love!

sawcat said...

I think... The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane. Its one of my favorite covers.

Victorique de Blois said...

I will choose Hunger Games.

Sayomay said...

oh! His Dark Materials! by Philip Pullman! I just bought this gorgeous book that has all of the books. The cover is so amazing! If i win ill find a pic Its so beautiful! I think it was just released! :D

Unknown said...

Whoa...this is an awesome giveaway. The mini book charm necklace is amazing. I'd love to pick my favorite cover, Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick.

Thank u for this giveaway :)

Unknown said...

Those are sooo cool!! I might have to buy one regardless if I win. But if I win I really have no clue what book I would pick. I'm thinking Delirium or Soul Screamers. Thanks!

Amber at The Musings of ALMYBNENR said...

I love these! I definitely want to pick a book I love that has a pretty cover to show off. Hmm...maybe Nevermore, Clockwork Prince, or Incarnate.

Michelle @ In Libris Veritas said...

I think I would go with Cinder by Marissa Meyer. I love this idea.

Ashley @ Bookaholics Anonymous said...

These definitely are cute I'll have to look into them after this giveaway.

I would have to say Vampire academy because those have to be my fave books. Maybe, incarnate. Oh I don't know.

Randi M said...

These are awesome!!! I would choose Jane Eyre or Clockwork Angel. So similar, I know! ;) Thank you for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I would love to wear any Harry Potter books on my hand.

Malvina Beatrice

Arianne said...

this is such a hard decision.. but i think i'll pick Vampire Academy :)

Diana said...

Aahh! Those charms are so amazing! I'd choose one of Diana Wynne Jones' books, or perhaps the Narnia collection with the Aslan on the cover with a mane of flames.

Jessirae said...

Very very hard to choose but I'd pick Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley (U.S. Cover) I absolutely loved that book and it has become my most favorite, so definitely that one.

Thanks so much for this giveaway! Very unique :]

Rh3a said...

Oryx and Crake or Angelfall? I'm not sure :)
Amazing giveaway. Thank you so much!

Imel Cullen said...

a mini book charm so cute, I want it >_<
ok, I choose mini book charm, Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer

thank's for giveaway^^

picyadri said...

wow, these are so unique and beautiful!
I would choose The Hunger Games (because it looks awesome on the pic), or The Unbecoming Of Mara Dyer.

Unknown said...

Hello there! I like 'To kill a mochkingbird' by Harper Lee.
Thx for making this international:)

Rica said...

i would choose the hunger game or harry potter..thanks for the giveaway :)

Unknown said...

I'd pick The Prophecy of the Gems by Flavia Bujor, it's a very special book to me! :)

Yuko86 said...

It's a difficult question! Maybe I'd choose Hunger Games or The forest of hands and teeth...

Sarahbotbonkers said...

What a cool giveaway! Maybe Harry Potter or Percy Jackson. :) Stay awesome, Aeicha.

miki said...

I would choose the first book of the tiger saga by colleen houck

thanks you a lot for this oroginal and international giveaway

Anonymous said...

Crossed by Ally Condie

Sarah Erhart said...

I would choose either The Chronicles of Narnia, or The Emerald Talisman. Thanks for the giveaway!

Judy said...

Hard to decide. My favorite book of all time is Pride & Prejudice, but there are some great books out there:)

books first love said...

They are so nice. I guess I will want a mini Paper Towns by John Green, the sad one, I just love that cover..
Thanks for this is wishes
My email:

Amy said...

Those are so cool. I don't really know what book I would pick. Maybe Need by Carrie Jones. That cover is really pretty. Or Half-Blood by Jennifer L Armentrout because that cover is gorgeous!

Jennifer said...

I'm actually not sure. But i have to say I LOVE THESE CHARMS. Love, love love. So beautiful.

I'd want something with a really nice cover. Maybe something from the Vampire Academy series (really love the cover of the new one Golden Lily). Maybe hunger games. So many choices!

Anonymous said...

I'd luv to have/see a necklace of Cinder *.*

Vicky said...

Probably the Hush, Hush series.

Christina Fiorelli said...

Christina Kit. in the rafflecopter

Beautiful Creatures! Definitely!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the giveaway! I don't know what books I would do.. either Vampire Academy series or all of Cassandra Clares books!

Veronika said...

Awww, I love these mini boo charms =) They're so great! I would love a Twilight Saga one :) Thank you for the giveaway!

Zitmarie Mestre © said...

Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater. Thanks for the giveaway :)

Dark_Calling said...

I'm really not sure what book cover, but I think I'd go with one of the Patrick Ness series books

Thanks for this amazing giveaway

Shellie said...

It would definitely have to be the Twilight series since that is the series that got me back into reading. I love these little things, she is very talented!
Creative Reads

annejude said...

As a big fan I think I would like the Harry Potter one:)

Thanks a lot for this awesome giveaway:)

Unknown said...

Divergent! Hands down.

Thanks for the giveaway!

evrythngzen said...

Love these charms!! I am not sure, I would have to think on it but I was kind of thinking, on first thought, Hamlet and then second thought was Harry Potter

Cayce said...

I think I'd choose:
Shadows On The Moon by Zoë Marriott (the paperback's cover)

Thank you for the giveaway!

Wall-to-wall books said...

OH MY GOSH! These charms are AWESOME!!!!!! I think i would rather win this contest than any other.
I am def. going to go to the website and check it out.

I would either pick - Discovery of Witches, Green Angel, or The Peach Keeper, very hard decision.

Sylvia said...

One of the Tinkerbelle books for my grandaughter

Tabby said...

What an awesome giveaway! I think I would choose the Stephanie Plum Series by Janet Evanovich to be made into charm bracelets! :)

Tabby @Insightful Minds

ArtemisG said...

Fallen by Lauren Kate, I adore that cover or Twilight. Thank you for the giveaway!
Subscribing via email to this email: artgiote at gmail dot com
Demitra G

Proserpine said...

Nice giveaway! It's a first for me! I will probably go with one of Kresley Cole books! Thanks for this giveaway!

Stephanie said...

Hard decision, I am going to have to think about it some more but I am thinking maybe Ella Enchanted.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway.I´ll choose Entwine.

Nikki said...

There are so many but I think I would choose Shiver! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!!

Cathy C said...

i would choose twilight

catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

Diana said...

My thoughts while looking at the pictures: "Oh those are cute. REALLY cute! (gasp) I NEED the Hunger Games one!"

Or maybe one of Libba Bray's A Great and Terrible Beauty

Mervi said...

Hard to decide. Probably something by Patricia Briggs or Seanan McGuire.

Thank you for the giveaway! :)

Anonymous said...

Either A Sweet Far Thing or Eona, both of which are some of my favorite books, and both have gorgeous covers :D These are amazing!! Thanks for the giveaway!

(as Carissa St. Amand on rafflecopter)

Stacey said...

Oh, my goodness! There are so many books I'd love made into necklaces. Hmmm I'd have to go with The Iron Knight by Julie Kagawa, this way I'll have Ash very close by. ;D

Thanks so much for the amazing giveaway and also for making it international :)

Kristen said...

Those necklaces and bracelets are adorable!!! This list could go on and on, but I think I 'm going to go with Delirium by Lauren Oliver! ♥

Allie said...

Good question! I think I'd pick the fault in our stars....or maybe the uk version of daugther of smoke and bone.
Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

Maidenveil said...

The Lord of the Rings. The one with Eye of Sauron on the cover. <3

Kara D. said...

I'd choose Gone With the Wind, the edition with Vivien Leigh/Clark Gable on the cover ;D

Steph said...

There are so many cool choices! I would have to pick either A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness or a cool YA cover, like Fallen by Lauren Kate!

TayteH said...

I would have Where She Went made into a necklace. :D

Anonymous said...

I really don't know what to choose.
Hmm.. maybe one book of each series I love?
God the necklace are so cute!!!
Thanks for this great great great giveaway!

yoits330 said...

I think I would like a Vampire Academy Series or The Hunger Games. If is it just one book, if it is than I would choose Numbers by Rachel Ward. Thankx for this amazing giveaway!!!!!!!!!!

Cricket said...

Destined by Aprilynne Pike or a Cassandra Clare book.

kel_p said...

Ok this is a hard one coz there are LOADS of awesome book covers - Vampire Mine by Kerrelyn Sparks, Nalini Singh's - Lord of the Abyss, i also love the cover for 2 hot 2 handle by kelly Jamieson, Cherise Sinclair's 'Shadowlands' series has some good ones too - i'd have to think over for just 1 - lol!
Thanks for opening the giveaway Internationally :)
Kel xx

lillie.rose.owen.jesse at gmail dot com

Veronica W. said...

God, I don't know! I would have to spend some time looking up book covers before I could decide!...

Michelle said...

Thanks for this giveaway!!! Those look so awesome. If I won this giveaway I think I would want Silver Borne by Patricia Briggs turned into a necklace. All the covers in her Mercy Thompson series is done by Daniel dos Santos and his artwork is awesome! :D

Andrea L. said...


I don't know! I would have to spend some time looking up book covers before I could decide

Cean said...

I would say... the lord of the rings.
Thanks for this giveaway :)

RandomlyKait said...

OHMYGOSH, those are awesome!! I would probably pick The Hunger Games

mimz said...

The Fault in Our Stars maybe... or LOTR with the eye.

Szappanbubi said...

I'd choose Incarnate by Jodi Meadows'd be the most beautiful mini book cover and necklace *_*

Sofija Kapranova said...

Harry Potter or Kate Daniels series....

Amanda said...

That is soooo cool!! Fantastic giveaway! :) I don't really know what I'd choose... I would say Harry Potter definitely, but they just aren't the best covers to me. Maybe Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater.

Rea said...

Those books are gorgeous! I've got some earrings with Le Petit Prince books on them so either him to match the earrings or my all time favourite book, Black Beauty.

May said...

Aww, those are adorable. I'd like Starcrossed, The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer, and Delirium to become Book Minis. One reason being, b/c I love those books and another because both have amazing covers. :)

Jenn @ Owl Read It said...

hmmm, tough question.. Maybe the adult covers of HP

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

J Whitus said...

This is so AMAZING! Even if I don't win, I am going to HAVE to have one of these! I would choose The Iron Knight. It's the perfect book about true love & sacrifice.

Kelly said...

Most awesome giveaway! I think I would choose A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving. One of my very favorites!

Sarah Stikuts said...

Oh my, that would keep me busy to think about it!!! i can't decide right now!
Awesome giveaway!!!!

Tsalagi_Writer said...

I would chose Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones.

Nina C said...

That's a really hard decision! Don't hold me to it at the moment but maybe The Hobbit or a Harry Potter, would have to spend some time thinking about that if i won!!

Hillary said...

I would choose The Host by Stephenie Meyer. It's my favorite book ever.


Book Loving Mommy said...

I think I would chose Half-Blood by Jennifer Armentrout!

Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Those are awesome! So pretty!

I haven't decided which book yet. There are soo many great choices. Maybe Nightshade by Andrea Cremer or Twilight or The Hunger Games or or or... Sorry

Lyddz said...

AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! OMIGOSH, THEY'RE LIKE THE ULTIMATE BOOK LOVER'S CHARMS!! I would choose either Fire or Blood Red Road. I LOVE those books!!

Anonymous said...

I'd pick my favorite book The Host by Stephenie Meyer :D

Forever Lost in Books said...

OMG! So sorry, I didn't post my Tweet! (I'm Cathee in the RaFFLECOPTER) Here'S the link!/CatheeBooks/status/167384200561950720

And I so want them all!

deanna_boocock said...

I think something by Edgar Allen Poe would be pretty neat made into a charm.

Unknown said...

It would be so hard to choose, but I think The Odyssey.

books4me said...

wow...that is hard. Um, for my daughter I would do one of the Vladimir Tod books!

books4me67 at ymail dot com

Thalia Anderson said...

Such a tough question! I think probably "City of Bones" by Cassandra Clare!

Or "Ico: Castle in the Mist" by Miyuke Miyabe! Ahhh, I love too many books! (:

Vicky said...

An Austen novel, probably Persuasion. It's my favorite of her and very romantic.♥

Lisa Richards/alterlisa said...

Time Traveler's Wife


alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

Tiff Pull said...

I think i would like the Host.

Michelle Brack said...

Gosh, this is such a hard question, but I think I have a crazy answer! I really think it would have to be The Monster at the End of this book. That book makes me smile whenever I have a bad day and so it seems the perfect fit for this!

Susan @ The Book Bag said...

Time Traveler's Wife - love that book! Great giveaway!!

Rebecca said...

This is a hard question. Thanks for the awesome giveaway. I think I would probably choose Graceling by Kristin Cashore.

mk said...

I would most likely choose The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.
Thanks for the giveaway and for making it international.

Fe said...

I would most probably choose Harry Potter.

Mihaela said...

The English Patient by Michael Ondaatje.

Anne said...

I'd probably choose Magic Bleeds.

Lolawid said...

I'd love the Host! Thanks!!

Meghan@OwlReadIt said...

I would pick lord of the rings for sure!! :)

Carol said...

Yay I love this giveaway ^^
I'm not sure what book I'd choose yet but maybe Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready

Thanks for the chance =)

Emma said...

I'm not like a hundred percent sure but probably hereafter by tara hudson

Thanks for the giveaway!

CrystalGB said...

The Perfect Play by Jaci Burton.:)

Unknown said...

I'd choose Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palaniuk! :)

Stella Chen said...

I will love it if the three books by Kristin Cashore can be featured.

Lioness said...

I would pick Howl's Moving Castle or Poison Study

Priya said...

I would definitely choose Gaiman and Pratchett's Good Omens!

Maritza Robinson said...

I love the book charms. If I won I would love a Twilight book Charm. Thanks for this great giveaway!
-Maritza R

Filia Oktarina said...

I would definitely choose Lethal Rider (Lords of Deliverance #3) by Larissa Ione or Envy (The Fallen Angels #3) by J.R. Ward. Because i love Paul Marron....LOL!!

Clarissa (Bookadicea) said...

If I won, i would like to have a mini- The Mortal Instruments or The Hunger Games book Charm or Half Blood. :P It's really hard to decide because there were so many books that I love. Thanks for the Giveaway!

Katrina said...

I'm surprised someone else already said this, but Jane Eyre has had a special place in my heart for a long time, so I would probably pick that one. :)

chezzybear552 said...

i think i would have to say the hunger games, FTW

Unknown said...

The charm bracelets are so amazing. I would love one with the Harry Potter books. I'd also love one with a Baby-Sitters Club book (or books) to represent my childhood.

Unknown said...

I did notice you are only giving away a charm necklace, not a bracelet, so I have to choose one book. I'd go with either Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone or Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, though I love the way Beedle the Bard looks.

Sina (Cry Baby Reviews) said...

Omg how cute are those charms! I might have to snap one up if I don't win. I'd choose Peter Pan as it's my favourite book.

Kerry-Ann said...

Omg! They look amazing, Never seen anything like them before.

Hmm . . Ohh this a hard questions . . Probably Twilight or Samsona Lovely Mortal by Tina folsom. :) xx

LisaILJ said...

I would probably chose a classic children's book like Where the Wild Things Are.

Bleuette said...

I would love if the Fallen series where made into these charms! :)

Anonymous said...

I think I'd choose The Iron Knight by Julie Kagawa.


Sarena said...

Uh... I'm having a tough time narrowing it down to just one book. Maybe Where She Went, The Iron Knight, Graceling, or Unwind?

Unknown said...

I would love to see the Gone series by Micheal Grant turned into charms that would be soooo cool!
Thanks for the great giveaway!

Catherine Lee said...

I might choose Where the Wild Things Are, It's one of my faves.

catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

Holly said...

I would love to have Harry Potter charms! Thanks for the chance to win!

Emily @ Falling For YA said...

I would love a charm of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. My baby sister has a tattoo of a mockingbird and she would go crazy for one of these!

Clary said...

I would choose the first original cover of Nightshade by Andrea Cremer OR Divergent by Veronica Roth. I absolutely love these covers!! :)

Thanks for the giveaway

Jennifer said...

Fabulous giveaway idea. I love bookish jewelry. I think I would go with's a unique story and I think it would make fabulous jewelry.

Aik said...

I think I'd choose The Hunger Games or maybe Poison Study (US Hardcover version).

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

If I won, I would choose Vampire Academy: Book 2 Frostbite.

That is such a great idea.

vinni said...

Its a hard question! i would like to choose twilight or Vampire Academy.
Thanks for making this international!

Persephone said...

Hard decision but I think I would like Anna Dressed in Blood or Everneath. Great giveaway.

Ayanami Faerudo said...

Just one book? Then it would be Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Thanks for the giveaway. ^_^

Kali Skittles said...

I think I would pick The Gunslinger.

Alabell said...

Definitely White Cat or Witch Eyes :)

Andrea @ The Busy Bibliophile said...

Definitely Flat-Out Love by Jessica Park. Thanks for the great giveaway!

The Book Faerie said...

Wow thanks for such an awesome giveaway! Harry Potter of course! I would choose to be make Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows into a book charm.

Nedraw said...

I love the miniature book charm necklaces. I'm not sure what book I would choose...maybe Tolkien's The Hobbit.
Thanks for a great giveaway!

collkosinski said...

Green Angel

Colleen at my artiste dot com

Bookworm Lisa said...

That is a tough question. There are so many books that I love!

Maybe Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine. Lisa S F

binabug said...

city of ashes/city of bones

jedw94 at gmail dot com

Oona said...

I would have to go with Divergent. I love the book and the cover so much.

DawnZ said...

I think I would have to choose a Harry Potter book or maybe Lirael by Garth Nix (because she was a librarian and I am in Grad school to be one too...).

Thanks for participating in the hop!


Anonymous said...

I would choose The Hunger Games to be made into a charm necklace because I just finished reading the trilogy and LOVED IT!!! Can't wait til the movie comes out :)

Sophia Rose said...

How adorable! Thank you for the giveaway opportunity.

I would choose Jane Austen's Persuasion.

June M. said...

I would love to have one of Larissa Ione's books made in to a charm.

LadyVampire2u said...

Such a cool prize! Thanks for the awesome giveaway. If I won I would pick a book cover by Kim Harrison, Marjorie M Liu, Laurell K Hamilton or Ilona Andrews. it would be a hard pick.
LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOt com

FreakChiq said...

Oh, the endless amount of possibilities! :)

I think I'd go with the UK cover of either The Demon's Covenant or The Demon's Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan.

Thanks so much for this awesome giveaway!

Natasha Areena said...

Any of Sophie Kinsella's book ! <3
Thank you :)

Unknown said...

I love the mini books! They are really cute! If I had to choose a book that I would love to be made into a mini books, it would be City of Bones series!

Thanks for the giveaway!


Stormy said...

Vampire Academy! :)

Linda Henderson said...

One of the Mortal Instruments books, perhaps City of Glass or City of Fallen Angels.

Nylez said...

i would choose Vampire Academy!

Unknown said...

^Appreciate giveaway! Helps those like me in fixed income/SSI {perm/multi disabled: wheelchair/home-bound} attain those little extras/luxuries that help make life better & more enjoyable!
^Choice-"Dark Prince:Author's Cut Special Edition (Dark Series)" by Christine Feehan


)0( Warmest Blessings )0(

izlight said...

I'd probably choose The Little Prince

Anonymous said...

I would choose Alice in Wonderland! One of my favorite books!

Kim Reid said...

Maybe Twilight??? So many to think about!!
Thanks :)
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

Juana said...

I would choose Twilight.


Joella said...

I would chose Dracula as it is one of my all time favorites!!

Vinci said...

What a clever idea for a unique
piece of charms.
I am Butler too,so this is so
special. Like the book charm, Gone with the Wind. thanks for the link
and the book hop giveaway, too.
dayleb at telus dot net

Unknown said...

that is a very hard question to answer! I'm really not sure. Maybe Clockwork Prince because I really like the cover.

MelinaLove101 said...

OMG THAT IS SOOO CUTE! :D I WOULDN'T KNOW WHICH BOOK TO CHOOSE, HmMmmm I need to do some research on cover pages! lol :)

Munnaza said...

Thanks so much for this giveaway! I'd love a Harry Potter book made into a charm.

Nicola said...

Angelfall by Susan Ee :)

Rachel said...

I would pick Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey for a book charm.

Maji Bookshelf said...

i would probably choose the hunger games!! Thank you!

Farah @Majibookshelf

FireStarBooks said...

It would be Department 19 by Will Hill

Sherlyn said...

I think most likely Fallen or Torment by Lauren I wish I could win this!!

Karen Maldonado said...

I would choose the Harry Potter series

The More the Merrier said...

There are so many books I love, I'm not sure which one to choose maybe Half-Blood I really love that cover. Thanks so much for the great giveaway!

Stacy said...

Tough choice, but probably either one of the books from Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, or my new obsession, the Hunger Games.

the imagine tree at aol dot com

Stephenie said...

I think I would pick the Harry Potter series or Twilight saga. I loved them so much and made me remember my love of books.

Valia Lind said...

Omw I ADORE the Hunger Games ones! There's so many books I'd pick! I love to have one with all the Jane Austen books, or one full of Sherlock Holmes and Nancy Drew :-)

Unknown said...


If I won I would definitely ask her to make a charm of my book, Retribution. I'd love the idea of walking around with a reminder of how much my hard work paid off (plus I LOVE the cover art).

Kelsey Miller

Forever Lost in Books said...

All the best covers of 2011, like Incarnate, Cinder, Everneath, Slide and others!

Brenda Demko said...

I would probably choose one of the Chicagoland Vampire books or a book from the Mercy Thompson series. I don't know. There are so many awesome books!

KindleObsessed said...

I would LOVE one of Pride & Prejudice. PS...Those are sooo freaking cute!!!!! Thanks for the contest!

Jaidis said...

Adorable! If I had to pick a book to have made into a charm it would be my upcoming release Destiny Awaits ;)

IdentitySeeker said...

Either the Twilight, The Hunger Games or Harry Potter series books.

Sarah Bibi Setar

Mary @SweepingMe said...

I would love The Sleepwalkers.


SavingsInSeconds said...

I would get this for my daughter, so the book would have to be The Little Princess.

Gigi said...

A Hunger Games book charm! (ileana on raflecopter)

Lauren said...

Bound by C.K. Bryant... the cover is BEAUTIFUL!! :)